To the editor:
On Friday, May 11, a mock DWI/distracted driving re-enactment was presented to Juniors and Seniors in order to promote safe driving not only during prom season, but throughout the year. The event sponsored by SADD, could not have been possible without the planning, organization and participation of our Cazenovia first responders.
Members of the Cazenovia Village Police, fire departments from Cazenovia, Erieville and New Woodstock, CAVAC and Brown’s Funeral Home all helped to provide a powerful and thought-provoking event for our young drivers. We are so fortunate and appreciative for our local responders who so willingly gave their time to bring this important message to our students. A special thank you to Chief Hayes, Erick Haas and Chief Kelchner for leading the team.
Cazenovia High School