CAZENOVIA — This March, Cazenovia is “Going Green” in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day and in support of the local business community.
Throughout the month, the village, including the cannon, Christmas tree, fountain, restaurants, shops, and other businesses, will be illuminated with festive green lights. Residents are also invited to “Light It Up Green” by decorating and/or hanging lights on their homes.
Green lights are available for purchase at Buyea’s True Value at 131 Albany St.
The student directed organization Project CAFE is also offering to supply businesses and residents with green lights from Buyea’s for an additional $1 as a fundraiser for CazCares food pantry and clothing closet.
Community members and visitors can look for store discounts, Irish happy hours, dinner and drink specials, and Irish music all month.
The Key at 66 Albany St. will be running a St Patrick’s Irish Green Sticker Sale through the end of March with 17 percent off select merchandise.
The Cazenovia Public Library at 100 Albany St. is displaying Irish-authored books (fiction and non-fiction) for adults and children, Irish movies, and a few Irish music CDs. Library visitors can view artist Dwight Williams’ painting of an Irish castle and place dots on an interactive map of Ireland to show where their families are from.
Dave’s Diner at 35 Albany St. is selling Cazenovia Irish Shamrock coffee cups and Lillie Bean at 57 Albany St. is offering Irish hoodies and thermal T-shirts.
Community members are also encouraged to support Cazenovia trades, shops, bars, and restaurants, as well as the Greater Cazenovia Area Chamber of Commerce (GCACC), the Rotary Club of Cazenovia, the Cazenovia Area Volunteer Ambulance Corps, CazCares, the Cazenovia Fire Department, Lorenzo State Historic Site, and the Catherine Cummings Theatre.
According to Lillie Bean owner and GCACC member Esther Parsons, who spearheaded the monthlong initiative with Peter Hogan, the celebration was organized with help from several local entities, including the Village of Cazenovia, Project CAFÉ, Cazenovia Public Library, the GCACC, and town residents who volunteered their time and ideas.
Hogan and his wife, Siobhan Fallon-Hogan, recently produced “Rushed,” a feature-length movie that was partly filmed in town. Fallon-Hogan, who also wrote and starred in the film, grew up in Cazenovia; her family has lived locally since the mid-1960s. The Hogans now reside in New Jersey, but they have been bringing their children up to Cazenovia for summers and holidays for the last 30 years. The couple also owns a house in the village.
“Pete Hogan and I [had] been talking about what we can do in Cazenovia to drive business and exciting events in town,” recalled Parsons. “He stated he wanted a St. Patrick’s parade and ideas started flowing between us. He had a lot of connections in Cazenovia, so he was able to start the process.”
According to Village Mayor Kurt Wheeler, Hogan approached the village about supporting the event as a way to promote local businesses, draw visitors to the community, and celebrate Cazenovia’s rich Irish heritage.
“I am appreciative of all his efforts and those of the committee working to promote this year’s celebration and happy the village can support their efforts,” said Wheeler.
Businesses interested in learning how they can “Light it Up!” and be part of the events this March 2022 should contact Parsons at
For event announcements and updates, follow “cazenoviastpatricksday” on Instagram. The social media page is administered by town resident Tricia Larkin and supported by Parsons.
Next March, Cazenovia will host its first annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade.
Hogan said the idea of starting a parade arose during a discussion of the large population of people of Irish descent in Central New York, particularly in the Cazenovia area.
“[We wondered] why there were no Irish festivals or parades marching down Albany Street on St. Patrick’s Day to mark the impact and the many contributions that Irish immigrants had made to the region, whether digging canals, setting railroad tracks, domestic work, or serving our country,” Hogan said.
Due to COVID-19 concerns, the parade was put off until 2023. According to Hogan, a parade committee will be formed in the next few weeks.
“[We thought that] having Cazenovia ‘Go Green’ and lighting up the town with green lights would be a great promotion for the parade and good for business in 2022,” Hogan said. “When discussing this, it was apparent that even people with not a drop of Irish blood in them wanted to help and pitch in because as they say, ‘Everyone one is Irish on St Patrick’s Day!’”
As the date of the parade approaches, additional information will be available at Questions can be sent to