After more than one year of work, the village Economic Health and Heritage Committee recently released its recommended changes to the Village Edge South section of the village Comprehensive Plan, and scheduled two public hearings to discuss the issue with village residents. Mayor Kurt Wheeler, a member of the EHH Committee, announced that the committee had reached this stage of its work at the July 1 village board meeting. He said the committee has scheduled a public hearing for 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 23, at the village municipal building to share with the public its findings and recommendations concerning its suggested emendations to the VES section of the Comprehensive Plan. The village board of trustees also scheduled a public hearing to receive input on the recommended changes for 6:45 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 8, in the village board meeting room at 90 Albany St. The recommended changes and other information from the EHH committee can be found on the village website ( at the bottom of the “Planning and Zoning Page” and also at the village office. Jason Emerson is editor of the Cazenovia Republican. He can be reached at [email protected].