Two incumbents are seeking re-election to councilor positions on the DeWitt Town Board, with four candidates challenging. The top three vote-getters will fill three spots on the board. Election day is Tuesday, Nov. 8. To view polling places for the town of DeWitt, go to
As is the position of town of DeWitt Highway Superintendent.
Ken Andrews (incumbent) has been on the DeWitt Town Board for 18 years. He has served as chairman of police commission for 10 years and has been on the budget committee for 17 years. He has served as president of the Association of Towns and still serves on the board of governors for the New York Municipal Insurance Reciprocal. Andrews is a DeWitt business owner and employees more than 25 people. He has an MBA from Syracuse University.
Republican, Conservative, Independence and Veteran’s parties, DeWitt PBA
Why are you running for DeWitt town board?
I am running for the board because I enjoy serving the community and I believe I have had a positive impact on DeWitt and I would like to continue to serve.
What is your public service mission?
My mission is to help evaluate the needs of the community and balance those needs against the cost to the taxpayer to provide those services. Bottom line is the board is responsible for spending the taxpayers’ money — the goal is spend it wisely and don’t waste it.
What do you believe to be your constituency’s most pressing issue or challenge?
The most pressing issue now has been and will continue to be in the future property taxes.
What is your leadership philosophy?
My leadership philosophy is simple: be honest in all my dealing; be respectful of the taxpayers, employees and other members of the board; be dedicated to the position; and do the best job I can for the taxpayers of DeWitt.
Jack Dooling retired from Crouse Hinds Jan. 31, 2006, after 37 years as a purchasing agent; he started volunteering at Vera House and Loretto in Febuary 2006. He received Vera House’s 2010 Outstanding Volunteer of the Year and has helped more than 100 abused women get orders of protection, custody papers and financial help through the Onondaga County Family Court System. In 2007 he received the Volunteer of the Year award from the United Way for his work at Vera House. This is his first time running for public office.
Democratic, Working Families, Conservative and Veterans Parties; IBEW 1249, CSEA, Sheet Metal Local 58, Teamsters Local 1249, UAW Region 9 and Dewitt PBA.
Why are you running for DeWitt town board?
I am running for office for the first time because I am retired and have the time, energy and desire to help the people of DeWitt. I have been in the business of helping people since I started coaching youth sports in East Syracuse 40 years ago.
What is your public service mission?
I hope to [make] a difference on the DeWitt Town Board by using my vast procurement experience in purchasing management to save the tax payers of DeWitt on their purchases, bidding practices and consolidation efforts over the next four years.
What do you believe to be your constituency’s most pressing issue or challenge?
To keep taxes down and continue to find new ways to decrease overall expenditures by the town.
What is your leadership philosophy?
Lead by example. As a purchasing agent in charge of $15 million of purchases per year, I was challenged yearly to reduce overall costs by finding better methods and suppliers to meet cost improvement goals. I can do the same at the town of DeWitt and work with the Departments to implement this type of program, thus saving the taxpayers some of their hard earned money.
Kerry Mannion (incumbent) has served on the DeWitt Town Board from 1998 to 2001 and from 2008 to present. He has been deputy supervisor since 2009. He is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and has an MBA in finance from Syracuse University. He is active in youth coaching for basketball, baseball and various other school activities
Democratic and Conservative parties, DeWitt PBA.
Why are you running for DeWitt Town Board?
Good government starts with the individual. As head of the budget committee I continue to seek areas where the Town can cut spending. In the last three years we have consolidated the receiver of taxes with the town clerk and consolidated other town positions within the town to recognize an annual savings of over $350,000. As liaison to the town’s planning board, I consistently meet and speak with our Planning Board in an effort to expand our tax base with the ultimate goal of preserving and creating jobs.
What is your public service mission?
The town of Dewitt is the finest place in the country to raise a family and call your home with pride. I listen to our residents and commit myself to being a productive, results oriented board member. A good example: After three years of effort, we were able to recently demolish the vacant gas station on Nottingham Road near Tops and the area will be transformed into a beautiful green/park space.
What do you believe to be your constituency’s most pressing issue or challenge?
Excessive real estate taxes, the maintenance of our many neighborhoods and increasing our quality of life in the town of Dewitt.
What is your leadership philosophy?
I’d rather act than complain. A community can only improve if each of us bears our individual responsibility with energy and pride. Leadership by example is always the best way to achieve your goals while earning the faith of your fellow citizens. Together we can accomplish great things.
Sam Young has been a member of the Jamesville-DeWitt Board of Education since 2002. He is a member and former chair of the JD school board finance committee. Professionally, he is the director of advocacy for Legal Services of Central New York, Inc.
Democratic Party.
Why are you running for DeWitt town board?
From my experience as a school board member, I believe that local government can be made more efficient and effective, through sharing of services and improving cooperation and communication. I believe I am in a good position to encourage more inter-governmental cooperation between town government and school districts.
What do you believe to be your constituency’s most pressing issue or challenge?
We have to think creatively about maintaining and improving our current level of services, while faced with shrinking resources from county and state government. Neither decreasing services nor increasing property taxes are acceptable alternatives. Rather, we must work to find savings and increase efficiency wherever possible, by sharing services, resources and talent at every level of government.
What is your leadership philosophy?
I educate myself on the issues by being open to the ideas and opinions on every side, and then try to make decisions that fairly balance the diverse and competing needs of our community.
Tracy Gillen started an insurance and financial services brokerage firm I started in 2002, which now has more than 4,000 clients, mostly senior citizens. Her company focuses on the health care needs of seniors and helping them maintain financial security for their lifetime. She also works with her alma mater, Le Moyne College, to provide internship opportunities to students who wish to pursue a career in the financial services industry. She has been involved with community organizations including the East Area YMCA Y-Partners program and LiveStrong Foundation as a Besse Society member. This is her first time running for public office.
Republican and Independence parties
Why are you running for DeWitt Town Board?
[Because] I know that my personal and professional experience along with my energy for working for what people want done makes me the best person for the job … Unlike others, I am not running for DeWitt Town Board because I have more free time on my hands, or because I have been in politics for many years. I am running because DeWitt needs someone like me to represent their concerns, thoughts and opinions and to deliver their desired results.
What is your public service mission?
[To] bring economic stimulus to our community. I moved my home and my business to the town of DeWitt because I believe it is the best town in Central New York to live and work in. It is my responsibility if elected, to deliver that message to others who seek the same environment for which to raise their families and run their businesses.
What do you believe to be your constituency’s most pressing issue or challenge?
As a tax-paying citizen in the town Of DeWitt, I believe that my constituents want to know that their tax dollars are providing them with superior services and resources. People of DeWitt want their town financially strong, safe, and objective in providing all citizens equal opportunity to live a prosperous life. As a resident of this town, I want this for me, my family and my business, and will work to deliver this to my constituents.
What is your leadership philosophy?
My leadership is predicated upon by beliefs. I am responsible and lead by always first determining what my mission and goals are and then setting an agenda to achieve them. I lead with confidence, loyalty and with a constant focus on providing results.
Scott Whipple is a business manager in charge of an $18 million budget and 183 employees. He has a degree in criminal justice and is a retired Army Sergeant. He is a volunteer event coordinator with the United Way and Live United Campaign, and coordinates events for Kaboom Playground construction and the Do-It-Yourself Workshop at Rosamond Gifford Zoo, where he also instructs. He is a former volunteer fireman and has volunteered with the Town of DeWitt Little League. He is running for public office for the first time.
Republican and Independent parties
Why are you running for DeWitt town board?
I grew up in the town of DeWitt, attended Jamesville Elementary and graduated from Jamesville-DeWitt High School. I love the people in the community and the many activities the town has to offer for all ages. I have had many opportunities to leave the area, but chose to stay and raise my family here. I decided to run for town board because I want to give back to the wonderful community that I grew up in, and being elected to be a member of the town board will allow me to fulfill that goal.
What is your public service mission?
[To] use my extensive experience in business management to cut costs, improve town services and attract new businesses to DeWitt which will enable the Town to provide for a multitude of services without increasing taxes for the residents.
What do you believe to be your constituency’s most pressing issue or challenge?
The most challenging issue right now is the effect the economy has on their lives. As a board member I would again use my experience as a business manager to take a good look into the budget, scrutinize costs for services and provide leadership into possible fiscal relief for all residents.
What is your leadership philosophy?
My personal leadership philosophy is that everyone is important and should be heard. Keeping open communication and an open mind to new ideas and concerns, when it comes to the citizens of the town of DeWitt, will help us all with the quality of life we want and deserve to have.