Cazenovia — One in three Americans has pre-diabetes. Without weight loss and moderate physical activity, many will develop Type 2 Diabetes within three years.
If you have pre-diabetes, the National Diabetes Prevention Program offered in Cazenovia can help you make lasting lifestyle changes to prevent Type 2 diabetes. Participants will work in a group with a trained coach to learn how to eat healthier and add physical activity to help lower weight and blood glucose levels.
The National Diabetes Prevention Program is a Stanford University Evidence-Based program proven to help prevent or delay Type 2 Diabetes.
The reduction of Chronic Diseases such as diabetes is a priority in the Madison County Community Health Improvement Plan. Many people are unaware of their pre-diabetic status and need to check with their physician to find out if they are considered pre-diabetic.
Ask your physician if you may have pre-diabetes. You are at risk for Type 2 diabetes if you:
•Are 45 years or age or older.
•Are overweight.
•Are physically active fewer than three times per week.
•Ever had diabetes while pregnant (gestational diabetes).
•Fasting blood glucose level.
•Have a family history of Type 2 diabetes.
If your physician has already informed you that you are pre-diabetic, consider the opportunity to join the program beginning in Cazenovia at the end of January.
The group meets once a week for 16 weeks, then once a month for six months to maintain healthy lifestyle changes. The program is based on research that found people with pre-diabetes can cut their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes in half by losing 5 to 7 percent of their body weight. There will not be a cost to participants this year.
This program is supported by Excellus BlueCross BlueShield and the New York State Health Foundation in collaboration with Herkimer Healthnet.
For more information about the National Diabetes Prevention Program and to register, call the Madison County Rural Health Council at 726-4869 or email [email protected].