BALDWINSVILLE — There’s still time to register for the Winter Reading Program at the Baldwinsville Public Library! Readers can register for the children’s (0-12), teen (13-18), or adult (18 and up) programs through our READsquared website ( and record their reading through Feb. 18 for a chance to win raffle prizes. Any reading you do counts.
You can also review the books you’ve read and share them through our website with other Baldwinsville Library patrons. You might just help someone find their next favorite book!
The link to ReadSquared and the BPL Winter Reading Programs is
If you participated in the Summer Reading Program, your login information can be used for the Winter Program. Contact Meghin for the children’s program, Dania for the teen program and Jacquie for the adult program with any questions or problems logging on (315-635-5631 or [email protected]).
Book sale is Feb. 4-6
In other BPL news, don’t forget that our winter book sale takes place Feb. 4-6 in the Community Room. Please note that we are not accepting donations after Jan. 28 to prepare for the sale.
The sale runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 4; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 5; and noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 6.
We will have a wide range of fiction, mysteries, cookbooks, picture books, young adult novels, audiobooks and more. All are in great condition for even greater prices. Everything is half-price on Sunday.
The book sale will take place in the library’s Community Room. Please wear a mask and follow social distancing guidelines.
BPL Assistant Director Nancy Howe contributed to this column.
The Baldwinsville Public Library is located at 33 E. Genesee St. in the village of Baldwinsville. To learn more or to register for programs, visit or call 315-635-5631.