Eagle Newspapers welcomes letters of all kinds, particularly during election season. However, we do have stricter rules pertaining to the publication of letters and other opinion pieces regarding local, state and federal elections. They are as follows:
•We will not print any columns from elected officials seeking reelection for the four weeks prior to the election. This includes regularly published pieces by town supervisors, mayors, county legislators, etc., starting with the Oct. 11 edition.
•We will not print any opinion pieces pertaining to the election the week before the election, with the possible exception of letters responding to or correcting a previous piece (Nov. 1 edition, deadline Oct. 27).
•We will not print any letters containing new or negative information regarding a campaign for the week prior to the election (Nov. 1 edition, deadline Oct. 27).
•When we receive multiple letters endorsing a particular candidate, we will publish excerpts in the paper. The full endorsement letters will be posted online.
•Candidates seeking election will be limited to one introductory letter per election cycle. However, they may respond to a letter concerning their candidacy.
•All letters must adhere to our 500-word limit.
Any questions regarding this policy can be directed to the editor.