The Cazenovia High School Mock Trial Team prevailed in the second round of competition against Westhill High School.
High School Mock Trial is a program sponsored by the New York State Bar Association. The committee creates an imaginary case, often ripped from the headlines, and the students have to try both sides of the case against other teams.
Students from schools across the state compete starting in March, with the finalists traveling to Albany in May to try their cases before an actual judge of the New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division.
Cazenovia High School is competing against 15 other schools from the general area this year.
The team is litigating a criminal case involving a charge of disorderly conduct. In People v. Carson Conners, the defendant is a high school student with poor grades who is accused of “tumultuous and violent conduct and threatening behavior” in school. The defendant asserts that the charge was merely a ruse to get her suspended during standardized testing so that she would not bring down the teacher’s class average.
Representing the defendant were Madeline Gavitt, Nick Barna and BrierMae Ossant. Both the opening statement delivered by Gavitt and the closing argument made by Barna were praised by the volunteer judge and Ossant was remarkably composed considering it was her first time playing the part of an attorney.
Mackenzie Yates played the part of the defendant with ease, convincing the judge of her absolute innocence. Will Huftalen befuddled the opposition after he was qualified as an expert in the field of educational administration. And Robbie Liddell held his own as Mr. Stapleton, an experienced teacher who retired in disgust due to the pressure from the assistant principal regarding his teaching methods.
Remaining team members include: Zane Anthony, Shea Flannery, Glen Hartley, Eric Liddell, Claire Murray, Eva Salzman, Megan Schwartz, Jared Smith and Emma Wardell.
The third round of competition will take place on March 15 with Caz taking the side of the prosecution against West Genesee High School. Caz was one of only three teams to have two wins so far in the competition.