By Kate Hill
Staff Writer
On Nov. 2, the Cazenovia Town Board authorized Town Supervisor Bill Zupan to execute a letter to Housing Visions Consultants, Inc. and the Community Action Program for Madison County (CAP) demonstrating the town’s support of efforts to address the need for affordable rural housing options for seniors and families in Cazenovia and the surrounding areas.
In his letter to Housing Visions President & CEO Benjamin Lockwood and CAP Executive Director Antara Mitra, the supervisor specifically expressed support for The Landing at Burke Meadows, and for the project’s Homeless Housing Assistance Program capital funding application, NYS Homes and Community Renewal capital funding application, and NYS Empire State Supportive Housing Initiative (ESSHI) application.
On Nov. 4, 2019, the Village of Cazenovia Board of Trustees approved the zone change requested by Housing Visions for the construction of The Landing at Burke Meadows — an affordable senior and family housing complex on 14.96 acres of land east of Burton Street.
The board’s determination was made following consideration of public input; recommendations for approval from the Village of Cazenovia Planning Board, the Madison County Planning Agency, Cazenovia Preservation Foundation, and the Cazenovia Advisory Conservation Commission; and the planning board’s determination that the zone change would not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts.
During the public hearings held by the village board of trustees and the village planning board, many Burton Street area residents voiced concerns regarding the scope of the project; the potential sewer and drainage issues associated with the project; its ability to meet the needs of the community; its effect on the character of the neighborhood; and its impact on traffic and safety.
Based on public input, Housing Visions made a number of changes to its proposal. The approved project features 49 units — four 4-unit townhouses (16 units total) and a two-story 33-unit senior building.
Zupan’s letter states that the project is being created to address the unmet need of affordable rural housing options for both seniors and families in Cazenovia and the surrounding areas.
“This historic little village is a thriving central hub in rural Madison County with a highly rated school district, multiple grocery stores, pharmacies, day cares and banks,” Zupan wrote. “The Landing at Burke Meadows project will provide to Cazenovia and those in the surrounding community . . . the choice to reside in safe, quality, energy efficient affordable homes that are within their means. A place where seniors can choose to age in place, where a family can live in the village and their children attend the highly rated schools and where those that may need supportive housing have the opportunity to thrive and grow.”
According to Zupan, rents for the housing units will range from “truly affordable” at 30-60 percent of area median income (AMI) to “middle income” at 60-90 percent of AMI.
The supervisor added that part of the complex is dedicated to permanent supportive housing in conjunction with CAP.
The ESSHI grant would provide 10 units of permanent supportive housing to populations with severe mental illness, those fleeing domestic violence, and homeless youth ages 18-25 years.
Zupan went on to describe the roles and values of both CAP and Housing Visions.
CAP is a nonprofit agency that has been serving low income and vulnerable residents of Madison County since 1986 and has been active in the housing arena since 1992. Additional information on CAP is available at
The Syracuse-based Housing Visions is a not-for-profit developer, general contractor, and property manager with a mission to be the catalyst for sustainable positive change in neighborhoods through real estate development and community collaboration.
According to Zupan, Housing Visions works throughout Upstate New York and Pennsylvania and has successfully created over 1,600 units of housing, including buildings listed on the National Register of Historic Places and projects that have earned LEED or Enterprise Green Communities certification.
Housing Visions’ varied portfolio includes low-income to market rate units, as well as units/projects serving special populations, such as veterans, seniors, physically disabled individuals, and survivors of domestic violence.
Zupan concluded his letter by reiterating the town’s support for The Landing at Burke Meadows.
“There is an urgent need for new supportive and affordable housing in Madison County,” he wrote. “There are very few supportive housing units in Madison County as well as a shortage of high quality affordable housing units for families. We have confidence that CAP and [Housing Visions] can provide the services needed to stabilize these families and lead to the long-term health of our families and the community. This collaborative approach will help individuals and families regain stability by providing an opportunity for affordable housing and services.”
In other news
The board voted to adopt an adjusted version of the 2021 Preliminary Budget as the Final Budget for the fiscal year beginning Jan. 1, 2021. To view the budget, visit
The 2020 Cazenovia Lake Summit has been canceled due to COVID-19. The Dec.15 meeting of the Cazenovia Lake Association is open to the public. For more information, email
The Town and Village of Cazenovia are in the process of developing a Local Waterfront Revitalization Plan that will identify issues and opportunities related to local waterfront areas and propose potential projects and policies designed to protect and enhance those locations. The public is invited to provide input on the development of the plan during a drop-in style meeting on Nov. 12 in the Village Meeting Room at 90 Albany St. from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 5 to 7 p.m.
The town will hold a special meeting on Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. at the Hampton Inn & Suites to receive public comment on the future of the Town Office, either at its current location or an alternative site (the former Stearns & Wheler building on Route 20.).
The next regular town board meeting will be held on Dec. 14 at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom.
The Cazenovia Town Board typically meets the second Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. in the Gothic Cottage. For more information, visit or call the Town Office at 315-655-9213.