To the editor:
Do you want 180 school buses and 200 cars to be relocated to Cicero from the Syracuse Inner Harbor? These buses will continue to service the Syracuse City School District from the proposed new Cicero location at 6177 South Bay Road.
The Cicero Planning Board will hold a public hearing regarding the Bus Storage Facility Application of One Remington LLC, aka First Student Inc., at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 7, at Cicero Town Hall. I am receiving negative feedback from the residents of Cicero on this proposal, and am requesting the planning board reject this proposal for several reasons: traffic, safety and pollution.
On a daily basis traffic on South Bay backs up from Thompson Road to Circle Drive in the morning and afternoon. The new bus storage facility will significantly increase our current school bus and local traffic congestion. This will have an adverse impact on people traveling South Bay in both directions from Circle Drive up to Oneida Lake. The residents in the Cicero Mills area already have a challenge to turn in and out of Gillette Road. Cicero’s own school bus drivers at Gillette Road Middle School and the residents on South Bay Road will have an even more difficult time accessing those roads. An increase in bus traffic will cause problems and potential safety issues.
The increased traffic around our residential and school zones could cause more car accidents in the area. Pedestrians and cyclists have the potential of being struck by car when trying to do their activities. We need to consult with our local police and fire departments on this proposed project and potential concerns.
The residents that live in the vicinity of the proposed facility, especially Jemola Runne, Mystic Woods and the Cicero Mills area have serious concerns about environmental issues. First, the diesel exhaust fumes from 180 idling school buses will cause significant air quality issues. Second, a diesel fueling station will be installed on site, resulting in even more potential spill hazards, and pollution. As a result, noise levels will increase in the surrounding areas. These environmental concerns will be a negative impact on home resale value for our residents.
Cicero is not the “dumping ground” for the city of Syracuse’s Inner Harbor projects. We should not have to bear the burden of the traffic, safety and pollution issues for the City. Join me on Aug. 7 at Cicero Town Hall to voice your opinion. Contact me with any questions and thoughts any time.
Mike Becallo