By Lauren Young
Staff Writer
East Syracuse Fire Chief James Brewster, who was suspended without pay from his position last June after allegedly posting a racist comment on Facebook, answered to the allegation at a court hearing on July 25.
The closed hearing was held at the East Syracuse Village Court on 204 N Center Street at 2 p.m.
Mayor Bob Tackman said they are still waiting to hear Judge James E. Hughes’ final deliberations and the board will hear from him at a later date, not yet determined.
“The board will then decide on what happens next,” he said.
On June 29, Brewster, who was elected fire chief last April, was suspended without pay from his volunteer position, as well as his paid positon as caretaker of the village fire department, after allegedly posting a racist comment on Facebook. Though the post has since been removed, several screenshots have been made of the comment.
After the mayor became aware of the post, Brewster’s suspension followed as the village further investigated the allegation.