Baldwinsville — To the editor:
There is a small park across the street from the Red Mill Inn. It will become better known now that there is a new dock, as well as sidewalks and parking. Back in the early 1960s it was a field of weeds and debris. The Women’s Garden Club of Baldwinsville took this area and developed a green space with new trees, shrubs and flowers. It has changed in many ways through the years — some good, some not so good.
The good part is the Garden Club still tries to add some beauty to the area, but we are getting older and so it becomes a legacy for the younger members. The not-so-good part is the vandalism that has taken place in the past few years, especially to a constructed stone wall that was donated by the club to the village to enhance the park bank. Some stones were pried off and tossed into the river. We recently discovered more top stones gone and a whole section torn away and left on the ground. It seems that certain individuals find it hard to walk around the bank and in order to facilitate getting up onto the bank; they found it easier to abuse the area rather than just walk around. This kind of vandalism should not be tolerated. So the other members and I are asking you to keep a vigilant eye on this small green park and report any destruction going on to the local police department.
Kay Ptak
President, Women’s Garden Club of Baldwinsville