The Laker Limo Board of Directors, along with the Development Committee, has been developing events that cross the many generations that live in the community.
Last year they hosted a fundraiser at the Skaneateles Brewery which attracted young adults and families, for many it was the first time they had heard of Laker Limo.
Next up was to create multi-generational programs that serve the Laker Limo clients.
The clients are primarily senior citizens who live in Skaneateles.
Senior Sweethearts is a Valentine celebration for Skaneateles seniors and created the perfect opportunity for community participation.
Local businesses donations provided the funds to fill boxes to 100 seniors who signed up to receive the gift.
The Brownie Troop 10041 made valentines and representatives of the Skaneateles senior class (“Seniors for Seniors”) helped Laker Limo to build, decorate, stuff and deliver the boxes.
Two teams of Laker Limo volunteers and high school students knocked on doors, rang doorbells and met in community spaces of their residences to hand-deliver their valentine.
The students were incredible with the seniors and to see the recipients faces light up at the young folks visiting their homes and giving them such a sweet gift was priceless.
The graciousness, kindness and appreciation by the seniors was very telling for the Laker Limo volunteers.
Senior Sweethearts was a great success and will be an annual event.
One senior said, “I have not received a valentine in 20 years! Thank you.”
Laker limo is a free service to seniors and adults with mobility challenges who live within the Skaneateles school district.
The agency is a 501 (C) 3 nonprofit organization and operates through grants and donations given by the community.
They are always looking for volunteer drivers and escorts, commitment is just one day of month.
In addition, a new Special Ops Team is being developed for senior fun outings and when scheduling challenges develop on a given day.
This team is for those that want to volunteer but are unable to commit to a full day.
Please call 315-685-3030 to volunteer for either team.
Donations are accepted via mail, Laker Limo Transportation Project, PO Box 644, Skaneateles NY 13152 or make your gift online at