Camillus Elks Lodge donates $750 in gift cards to Jordan-Elbridge holiday bazaar
The Camillus Elks Lodge No. 2367 donated $750 worth of Wal-Mart gift cards to the Jordan-Elbridge holiday toy and a gift bazaar in December. The lodge donated 30 cards worth $25 each.
“We as Elks reach out to the community and support different organizations,” said lodge secretary Bob McIntyre. Jordan-Elbridge Superintendent James Froio holds a donation from the Camillus Elks Lodge. Also standing, from left, are: Elks member, Cheryl Chesneski; passed state VP, Jim Roe; Elks member, Stan Chesneski; president for the year, Lee Ireland; and lodge secretary Bob McIntyre.
“We thought this would be a great cause,” they said.
The bazaar was held from 8 a.m. to noon on Dec. 8 at Elbridge Elementary.
This marked the second year of the bazaar.