Prior to the Nov. 15 village board meeting, Baldwinsville officials held an informational meeting regarding a proposed change to the village code dealing with storage of seasonal vehicles such as boats, RVs and snowmobiles. Established in 1970 and revised again in 1993, the former code was ambiguous in regards to verbiage such as setbacks, definition of a seasonal vehicle, etc. Village officials have been reviewing the code since earlier this summer and developed a proposal to present residents with on Nov. 15. A handful of residents were present to learn more about this proposed code change, which included allowing summer seasonal vehicles to be parked in driveways (as long as they are not blocking the sidewalk) from April 15 to Nov. 15 and allowing winter vehicles the same conditions from Nov. 15 to April 15. When in storage, according to the proposed code, the seasonal vehicles must be parked in a driveway no closer to the road than the front of the house. Most of the residents present at the meeting determined they would be in compliance with the new code. However, officials plan to hold another informational meeting before scheduling a public hearing to revise the code.