The Marcellus Academic Club will hold a silent auction for three matted and framed pictures of student artwork completed when the students were in Driver Middle School. Each framed piece contains drawings completed by eight different student artists and include the following:
Cory Peers
Hannah Lee
Chris Ramsden
Emily Schwartz
Anne Marie Glose
Peter Corey
Brian Karlovitz
Tamara DeTore
Kori Pensabene
Emily Valencia
Matthew Henderson
James Frost
Amanda Esposito
Amanda Giangiobbe
Kevin Clay
Eric Schneider
Jenna Gagen
Gina Cardarelli
Ryan Moro
Todd O’Donnell
John Marrs
Rich Campbell
James Warner
Chloe Brittenham
The framed pictures can be seen at the Marcellus Central School’s District Office and the highest bidder will be awarded Feb. 12. Proceeds from this auction will be used to support the district’s academic programs.