To the editor:
The Cazenovia High School Classes of 2020 and 2023 would like to thank everyone who helped make the annual Pumpkin Run fundraiser on Oct. 28 a big success. We are grateful to the Village of Cazenovia police and public works departments as well as CAVAC for their direct support to keep everyone safe. Thanks also to the village, town of Cazenovia and CCS for the use of their streets and facilities.
Thank you to our generous business sponsors: Emerald Equipment Systems, Inc, Manlius Veterinary Hospital, 20 East. Cazenovia Bagel Company, Leigh Baldwin & Co, George F. Conway, Esq., Cooking Italian with Joe, McIntosh Box and Pallet, the United States Marine Corps and Westphal Lawn Care who made the race a financial success.
We also appreciate our prize and finish line sponsors The Brewster Inn, Mulligans/Cazenovia Abroad, Lillie Bean, Tizzy’s, Sweet Frog, Cazenovia College Bookstore, Matthew’s Salon/Spa Cazenovia, Community Bank, Kinney’s Drugs and King David’s Restaurant who made the race more enjoyable for our runners.
Finally, we are appreciative of the assistance and support of our family sponsors and volunteers as well as the runners who came out to make the event a success. We had a great turnout for both our Spooky Sprint half mile and our Pumpkin Run 5K and couldn’t have done it without the outstanding assistance we received from the community. The success of this event will help us put on our most memorable high school experiences, including Prom and Ball. We are truly appreciative of everyone who assisted us!
Junior and eighth Grade Classes
Cazenovia High School