Rode running for Lysander supervisor
To the editor:
This letter is to the registered voters of the Conservative and Independence Parties in the town of Lysander. My name is Kevin Rode, and I am running a write-in campaign for Lysander Town Supervisor for the honor to represent the voters of the Conservative and Independence parties.
Unlike my competitors, I have attended almost all of the Lysander town board meetings, budget meetings, and work sessions over the last eight years. I have questioned our town board about various issues and decisions they have made (incentive zoning, in lieu of parks fund use, spray park bonding, farm animal law, and the proposed Rte. 48 sidewalk district to name a few) and have written numerous letters to the Messenger keeping the citizens abreast of political decisions in Lysander.
I have gone out and talked to residents about issues and have carried petitions with others to give the voters of Lysander the opportunity to decide for themselves. Our current town supervisor, and town board, have failed time and time again to listen to the residents of Lysander.
We need a town supervisor that is not part of the political system and does not owe anyone else in local politics anything, to get our local government back on track.
We need a town supervisor that will allow the other elected officials to run their departments as they were elected to do. My competitors will have spent, by my estimates, almost $10,000 combined by the time the Primary Day comes.
Every time I have run for office, I have done so with less than $1,000 raised or spent. We need a town supervisor that will remember that they are paid by the hard-earned tax dollars of our residents and taxpayers, not political party agendas or campaign donors, and that responsibility should not be taken lightly.
On June 25, I ask you to vote for an independent and fiscally conservative voice for Lysander in the role of town supervisor. A vote for Kevin Rode is a vote to give the voice back to all the residents of Lysander. On June 25, come out and vote and make a choice that will move Lysander forward into the future. I thank you again for your time.
Kevin Rode
Tosh running for Lysander Town Board
To the editor:
On June 25 the Conservative and Independence Parties will be heading to a primary. I’ve been speaking to many of you, knocking on your doors to let you know my positions and asking you to write my name in when you go to vote. I know that Lysander is an ever-changing community with strong agricultural roots, a vibrant village, and growing suburban areas. We deserve a government reflective of and responsible to this diverse population. The time I’ve spent living overseas, in teaching and management, and raising my diverse family has given me the tools to lead in this environment.
A vote for me is fiscally responsible and socially inclusive, leading to strong local government. I will work to spend wisely on highway and culvert repair, as well as to limit our future liability with the spray pad project. Future development projects will need to bring stronger town advantages to the table. Raising and spending tax money are sacred duties that I will undertake with caution, not abandon. I’m asking for you to write in Gail Tosh for Town Councilor on June 25.
I’m eager to talk to any voter. My email is Facebook: Gail Tosh for Lysander Town Board.
Gail Tosh
Neal is running for 1st District County Legislator
To the editor:
My name is Justin Neal and I’m asking for your support for Onondaga County Legislator. I decided to run for the same reason I’m asking for your support for the Independence and Conservative parties’ choice. For nearly a decade, the people of Lysander have lacked the choice of who should speak for them. The choice between business as usual, or fresh ideas on how to improve our county. The choice to have the county keep the majority of the local share of the sales tax revenue or share it with the towns to make them affordable. The choice between making voting easier in the county, not harder. The choice of supporting a candidate that believes people should draw their election districts, not politicians.
I am a pharmacist and that shapes my view on public service. I value a strong public education. I value caring for others. I value listening to others. Since February I have been knocking on doors and listening to the concerns of the people of Lysander. I believe an accountable and accessible government knocks on your door to learn what’s important to you, but stops at the threshold. I don’t want to only be the candidate of the Conservative or Independence parties, or the Democratic or Republican parties. I will be an independent voice for all the people of Lysander doing what’s right for our community. It is not as easy, but it is what is right in this age of partisan politics. That is why I am asking you to do something a little bit harder on June 25 and write in “Justin Neal” for Onondaga County Legislator.
Thank you.
Justin K. Neal
Candidate, Onondaga County Legislature, 1st District