To the editor:
I write to express my full support for the re-election of Doug Foster for the town of Van Buren highway superintendent. Ten years ago, I was on the Van Buren Town Board when Ed Parks was the highway superintendent. When Mr. Parks retired, I knew there would be big shoes to fill. Mr. Parks did an outstanding job for many, many years and I feel that Doug has even exceeded my expectations. Doug has lowered the tax rate every year since he took office. In his very first year in office he installed a new diesel fuel management system, which lowered the town’s fuel bill by $8,000. The town of Van Buren is currently building a new highway barn at no additional tax increase to the residents of Van Buren, with much of the work being done by Doug and his team. Doug’s extensive experience in this industry makes him the best possible person for this job.
There are others running against Doug and I am all for competition. From what I have heard, Doug’s opponent wants new pickup trucks for each and every highway employee that they can take home on our dime. No way! Doug has shown outstanding leadership and keeping our taxes low is the name of the game. I think his opponent may not have an appropriate understanding of the highway superintendent’s job, and I fear that this inexperience will lead to my taxes and tax rates increasing dramatically.
On a personal note, I was in a car accident last year by Tops. My SUV was totaled. I was not even out of my car and there was a helping hand reached out to me to help me out of my car and asking if I needed an ambulance. This hero was Doug Foster. At the time, I did not know Doug. He did not have to stop and help — he could have kept going. Doug stayed with me until the police came and my family arrived. I will never forget the kindness, compassion and humanity Doug showed me that day.
Keep Doug Foster as our highway superintendent.
Wendy Van Der Water
Van Buren