To the editor:
Next Monday, the 18th, at 7 p.m., the [Liverpool] Village Board of Trustees will hold a public hearing regarding a zone change to allow or deny the building of apartments at the very outer boundary of our village, on Tulip Street. Proposed are 108 two-bedroom apartments, comprising roughly 175 to 200 occupants, 150-plus cars, and likely 50 or more students (they are two-bedroom units for a reason).
Some people will likely view this simply as progress; others will recognize it as a quality of life issue for the entire village, as well as something that further erodes the essence of retaining the “flavor,” if you will, of a village. As currently zoned, houses are meant to be built there. No need for a zone change; no need for a “blind” driveway at a spot where many drivers consider Tulip simply an extension of Morgan Road! The number of speeding tickets is clear evidence of this!
After the public hearing, the board will vote for the zone change or deny it. The title “trustee” is used for a reason; we are entrusted to vote on issues as you, our fellow residents, wish us to. But how are we to know? This public hearing is your way; you learn more, you ask questions, and you let us know which way to vote! If you don’t get to this public hearing, then each one of us will have to individually vote as we see fit. As it stands, there is one member in favor, and one against. How shall we vote, Liverpool? Please be there!
Brad Young
Trustee, Village of Liverpool