Submitted by Jennifer Groth
The Friends’ 16th Annual Geranium Sale begins soon, so now is the time to plan for your spring gardens. These beautiful summer flowers come in 4.5 inch pots and are available in five colors: red, white, magenta, white-to-rose, and salmon splash. Prices are: $5 each, $20 for six, or $33 for a dozen.
Order forms will be available at the library, and online, beginning April 8.
Completed order forms and payment (cash or check made out to Friends of Maxwell Library) may be left at the main desk during regular library hours.
All orders must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 10.
Flowers may be picked up on Saturday, May 18 between 9 a.m. and noon at the Camillus Village Hall.
Free parking is located behind the building.
The Friends of Maxwell Memorial Library group is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization which supports and advocates for the library.
Formed in 1993, the group sponsors programs, fundraising events, special raffles, and giveaways. New members are always welcome, and annual membership dues are tax deductible. The levels are: $10 for students and seniors, $15 for individuals, $25 for a family, and $50 for a business. There is also a “Forever Friend” level of $200 (onetime payment). Membership forms and brochures are available at the library.