Village officials have taken an ambiguous law and defined its various aspects for the betterment of all residents.
The code dealing with storage of seasonal vehicles (boats, RVs, snowmobiles, etc.) presented some issues this past summer when Code Enforcement Officer Gregg Humphrey was attempting to make residents comply. Gregg said he found the verbiage to be ambiguous and has worked with the village board to better define the code.
“We haven’t made [the code] more restrictive, rather we made it more user-friendly,” Gregg said.
Proposed changes include allowing summer seasonal vehicles to be parked in driveways (as long as they are not blocking the sidewalk) from April 15 to Nov. 15 and allowing winter vehicles the same conditions from Nov. 15 to April 15. When in storage, according to the proposed code, the seasonal vehicles must be parked in a driveway no closer to the road than the front of the house.
“We recognize that residents use and enjoy recreational vehicles,” Humphrey said. “We changed the law so they can keep it in their driveway during the appropriate season.”
Now that aspects such as setbacks, definitions of a seasonal vehicle and more have been defined, officials will hold a public hearing regarding the code at 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 17, at Village Hall, 16 West Genesee St., Baldwinsville. Residents are encouraged to attend and provide feedback on proposed revisions.
To view the proposed code in its entirety, visit