The state Department of Transportation has budgeted for a traffic light to be installed at Peterboro and Roberts street this year, according to Mayor Todd Rouse.
At the regular board meeting Feb. 4, Rouse said the state approved the project three years ago and will begin construction sometime this year. The DOT plans to widen Peterboro Street.
“They asked us what we wanted done,” Rouse said. “We told them sidewalks.”
Along with the light and the widening of Peterboro Street, the state will replace any sidewalks torn up and removed during the construction.
The Onondaga County Water Authority will raise village rates this year by 3.25 percent, Rouse said. The numbers are based on 8,000 gallons a day.
The village’s contract with Louis DeMario for sludge removal will expire in May. Rouse said the contract may have to go out for bids.
Trustee Theodore Lumbrazo said he has received several complaints from residents living on Center Street about parking. Homeowners living on the south side of Center Street are having trouble backing out of their driveways due to the cars parked on the north side of the street, Lumbrazo said. Lumbrazo wanted to know if employees of the dental office on the corner were parking their vehicles along Center Street all day long. Rouse said he thought the dental office employees were parking in the library parking lot but he would check into it.
Historian David Sadler said a ceremony will take place at the Municipal Building to dedicate the historical marker on the Great Auto Race of 1908. The dedication will take place at noon on Thursday Feb. 14.
Clerk/treasurer Catherine Williams told the board that by combing all savings accounts the village earned more interest. In 2006 interest earned was $55,000. In 2007, the interest earned was $74,000.
The board approved a budget modification for $3,100, money raised from private donations for fireworks that will be displayed during Snowblast.
The board authorized the mayor to execute the “Fireworks Exhibition Agreement” with Young Explosives Corporation for $3,000 and authorized the treasurer to issued payment.
The board authorized the clerk to issue a check to Hiscock & Barclay, LLP as attorneys for Global Crossing North American Networks, Inc. in the amount of $193.23 for amounts owed pursuant to a court order dated Nov. 22, 2006. Rouse said the money owed was due to a challenged assessment.