To the editor:
Dear town of Cicero resident:
As a New York state senator who has represented Central New York for many years, I would like to express my support for Mark R. Venesky’s reelection as Cicero town supervisor.
I have had the pleasure of working with Mark and have observed his strong work ethic and leadership skills that have led to outstanding accomplishments during Mark’s first term as town supervisor.
Under Mark’s leadership, the town of Cicero has earned a AA credit rating from Standard and Poor, based largely on his long-term fiscal plan and commitment to paying down debt and increasing the town’s fund balance. Mark also implemented a health and safety program that has reduced worker compensation claims and earned him the New York State PERMA 2016 Safety Person of the Year Award.
As an advocate for an efficient and effective government, Mark rezoned the town’s business district to attract jobs and private investment, resulting in an additional $14 million added to the town’s business assessed value last year.
His tireless involvement in the community and commitment to our seniors and veterans is evident in the outreach programs he has instituted, as well as the 50th anniversary commemorative ceremonies for our Vietnam veterans. I’m certain that as town supervisor, Mark will continue to move Cicero forward with his dedication and hard work.
I strongly urge you, and all Cicero voters, to re-elect Mark Venesky as your next supervisor.