CLAY — During the doldrums of COVID-19, many people — especially seniors — felt isolated from their social circles.
“In the ugly, dark time of COVID, a lot of them were alone. Zoom made us real again,” said Chrissy Clancy, senior coordinator for the town of Clay’s recreation department.
The Town of Clay Senior Center is welcoming older adults back to the center for in-person activities. One such activity is the Clay Senior Info Fair, which takes place Sept. 16.
Thanks to COVID, last year’s fair was converted to a well-attended drive-thru event, but being able to gather in person offers a break from sitting in a car or in front of a screen.
“We existed on Zoom for a whole year, which was a godsend to us, [but] it can get overwhelming,” Clancy said.
The annual info fair features dozens of local agencies that cater to seniors as well as raffles, music, refreshments and classic carnival games. The senior center’s “Super Senior” volunteers and attendees are invited to dress in costume and join in the fun.
“I always have the unconventional things going on,” Clancy said.
Clancy said there are other senior fairs in the area, such as the one former State Sen. John DeFrancisco hosted for 14 years at the New York State Fairgrounds, but many older people prefer to stick close to home.
“A lot of my seniors won’t drive … they’re not going to go on the highway,” she said.
Clay seniors who attend the fair will see some familiar faces, including Don MacCombie of Sunshine Honey Bee Farm, who has assisted with the town’s Save the Bees project and beekeeping workshops. MacCombie will offer samples of raw honey and have some available for sale. Those who stop by the quiet tent for soft music and meditation will recognize Gwen McCarroll, who teaches chair yoga at the senior center. McCarroll will offer brief demonstrations of chair yoga and relaxation techniques at the fair.
Clancy said the town leadership is supportive of her efforts, especially Town Supervisor Damian Ulatowski.
“We did drive-thru Santa for the tree lighting [in 2020] and we were backed up to Grange Road,” Clancy said. “He encourages me to use the town hall and use the town facility for positive things. … He’s excellent about saying, ‘Go do this weird thing and hopefully it’ll work.’”
Agencies interested in tabling at this event must register by emailing
The Clay Senior Info Fair takes place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 16, outside of Clay Town Hall, 4401 Route 31. Bingo follows the fair at 1 p.m. Five-game packets are free but limited, so pick up yours when you arrive at the fair. For more information, call 315-652-3800 ext. 137.