After 23 years in New Woodstock, Kyle Doan has recently relocated his chiropractic office into the White Lilacs building in downtown Cazenovia and has added a second chiropractor to his practice.
“This is great because we got to move into downtown Cazenovia and our local patients will be much happier — it’s a lot more convenient,” said Kyle Doan, owner of Doan Chiropractic.
Doan has been practicing for more than two decades, splitting his time between an office attached to his New Woodstock home and an office at 4317 East Genesee St. in DeWitt. He recently sold his New Woodstock home, which meant he had to find a new location for his local office. Nothing about his practice will change — including his telephone number, which remains the same — except the location, he said.
“My philosophy has always been to fix your problem, get you better and teach you how not to have to come back to the chiropractor,” he said.
Doan’s new colleague in his office is Dr. Cody Childress, from Virginia. Childress has been a licensed, practicing chiropractor in New York state for one month. He is also licensed in kinesio taping, which is a popular practice when treating sports injuries, Doan said.
“He’s a great guy, really smart. His presence will take some pressure off me and allow me to take vacations,” Doan said.
Both Doan and Childress will split their work hours between the Cazenovia and DeWitt Doan Chiropractic offices
Doan said he is also currently looking to add a message therapist to his new Cazenovia location to work in the office on days where he and Childress are not there.
Doan Chiropractic takes patients of all ages, participates in all insurance programs, works with all the doctors in Cazenovia and with most of the orthopedics and neurologists in Syracuse.
“We’re very much a part of the concept of being a part of a health care team and working with other doctors,” Doan said.
Doan said he also believes in same-day office visits, 24-hour coverage for his patients and making house calls.
Doan Chiropractic’s new office is located on the first floor in the White Lilacs building at 9 Albany St. For more information, call 662-3508 or visit his website at
Jason Emerson is editor of the Cazenovia Republican. He can be reached at [email protected].