To the editor:
The Cazenovia Lions Club would like to acknowledge and thank all of the contributors who made this 2016 fundraising drive a success. It was fantastic to hear the positive response from the community letting us know the fireworks display was great with our new local vendor. With over 250 contributions, we reached our goal to meet the costs of this year’s show. Contributors are listed in alphabetical order by last name, broken into groups by amount of contribution. We also want to thank those anonymous contributors for their donations. We look forward to continuing this Cazenovia tradition in 2017.
Cazenovia Lions Club Fireworks Donations for 2016
Patriot ($250 +)
Amos, Charles
Aronson Media
Cazenovia Republican
GHD Inc.
Hunt, Jeffrey and Stephanie
Johnson Brothers Lumber
Marshall, Ann
Rodriguez, Elliot and Pipas, Lauren
Ross, Sue and Bruce
Schaefer, Lisi and Bill
Zupan, Bill and Maureen
Stars and Stripes ($100 +)
Allure Dance Studio
Amidon, Paul and Debbie
Baker, Dr. and Mrs. Bruce
Barrett, Helen and Ken
Bice, Kathy
Boucher, David and O’Connell, Jane
Brewster Inn
Brown, Paul
Brownbeck Family
Budnar Family
Cargo, Caroline and Peterson, Bernie
Cazenovia Village Baptist Church
Chrichton, Sue and Bob
Clark, Cindy
Constable, Robert
Conway, Dixie and George
Curtain and DeJoseph, P.C.
Dolly, Jonathan (JD)
Eagan, Doris
Emory, Hugh and Karen
Goris, Esq., Mark D.
Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. Baird
Hubbard, Peter and Hannah
Husted, Richard and Marilyn
Koennecke, Fritz and Elizabeth
Laidman, Hume and Peggy
Leggat, Todd and Shannon
Marquardt Switches Inc.
McCabe, John and Bonnie
Mohawk Valley Retina
Ridings, Mr. and Mrs.
Ridler, Robert
Silverman, David and Lisa
Skeele Agency – Insurance
Stacey, Helen
Steinberg, Jim and Abbott, Shere
Stevens, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph L.
Strommer-Galley, Jenny
The Gavilondos
Tuttle, Dick and Skinner, Sharye
Vella, Michael and Colleen
Wells, Valerie
Wheler, Barbara
Willow Bank Yacht Club
Wolff, Barbara D.
Zahm, Douglas and Lucinda
Red , White and Blue ($50+)
Abernathy, Brian and Laura
AmeriCU Credit Union
Baldwin, Scott and Betty Ann
Baroody, Ed and Ann
Bell, Nelda and Tony
Belton, George
Berg, Andrea I. and Adam
Bowser, Leslie and John
Brown, Nathan and Michael
Butterworth, Bob and Letty
Cazenovia College
Cazenovia Public Library B.O.D.
Cheal, Karen and Segall, Ken
Clark, Diane and Richard K.
Clarke, Matt and Stack, Eileen
Cleveland, Bobbi
Conway, Dixie and George
Cramer, Debi
Defrees, Hal and Linda
Demo, Mark and Linda
Dougherty, Denny and Gail
Dwyer, Mr. and Mrs.
Ellis, Pamela and Robin
Giblin, Greg and Margot
Gordon, Chuck and Julie
Griffin, Scott and Marianne
Groff, Jerry and Beth
Haege, Bob
Hartt, Madeleine
Hayes, Mike and Tammy
Holmes, David and Carolyn
Hook, Jerry and Nancy
Horowitch, Lynn and David
Horstmyer, Robert and Elaine
Johnson, Kelli and Andy
Judd, Mary
Kaplan, Sandra and Eugene
Knutsen, John and Lisa
Kubiniec, Conrad and Ann
Lagorga, John and Susan
LaSure, Peter and Jane
Light-Olson Family
MacKinnon Liquors
Magee, Bill and Jeanette
Manier, Rick and Sue
Marion, John D.
Maywright, Billie and Jerry
Maziuk, Barbara and Stanley
McDonald, Wally and Gayonne
McDowell Insurance Agency (Matthew)
McDowell, Anne and Bill
McPhilmy, Tom and Penny
Rubenstein, Elaine
Ryan, Jeanne and David
Saltman, Roger and Ann
Shotzberger, Julia and Sam
Smith, Linda and Terry
Smith, Sue and John
Stormon, Chuck and Gyata
Sullivan, Will and Beth
The Lincklaen House
Tully, Larry and Sally
Wall, Thomas and Beverly
Webster, Doris and Cady, Bob
Wester Jr., Robert and Sherry
Wetzel, Glenda and Larry
Whittle, John
Whittle, John J.
Woltman Family
Woods, Gail and Sam
Citizen (up to $50)
Anderson, Richard
Andrews, Charlie
Arthur Diefendorf Family
Barbero, Marion
Bonney, Nitzi
Bouck, Bill and Gail
Brooks, Paul and Joan
Byers, Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Casper, Susan
Clarke, Thomas J.
Cornue, J.D.
Cotanch, Lisa
Daley, Lawrence
Dascher, Christine
Doherty, Donald and Ann
Eberst, Bea
Emerick, Ted and Penny
Emma’s Café on Main
Fiske, Israel
Frantl, Andy and Campbell
Gensler, Thomas
Gilliland, Cynthia
Grabosky, Colleen
Gregg, Bob and Sally
Gregory Wilt CPA, PC
Haley, June M.
Hancock, Ruth
Hardke, Heather
Harris, Tommie and David
Harrison, Doris
Hennessey, Tom and Suzanne
Hudelson, Patricia
Jenner Family
Kagey, Sam and Peter
Keilen, Al and Joan
Kennedy, Elizabeth
Kennedy, Flip
Kent, Steve
Keiser, Bill
Koglmeier, Ernie and Marilyn
Kopp Family
La Ginestra, Dorothea M.
LaFever, Douglas and Mary Jo
Lines, Luke and Lauren
Long, Tom and Carol
Longstaff, Pat
Lurie, Cy
Maliga, Elizabeth
Mason, Gary and Dena
McCay Family
McEvers, Archie
McFarland, Pam
McPherson Family
Michael, Susie and Kirk
Moore, Betsy and Porter, Dave
Morse, Nancy
Murray, Carol
Murrem Michelle
Naghton, Patricia
Noll, Penny
Palmer, Emma and Ethan
Pirkl Family
Puzey, George and Ethel
Reger, Marcia and Kyle
Reynolds, Henri and Lukas
Romagnoli, Jerry and Ellen
Ryan, Jill and Ray
Sandorf, Judith and Charles
Sayre Family
Scammell, Ron and Donna
Smith, Mike
Sparks, Barbara
Steinhorst, Jay
Suarez, Calixto and Joyce
The Jim Frazee Family
Travis, Harper
Wason, Martha
Webb, Diane
Weiskotten, Paul and Nancy
Wheeler, Frederick and Nancy
Whiton, Stephen
Williams, George
Cazenovia Lions Club