While fundraising looks a bit different this year because of the pandemic, Liverpool Dollars for Scholars is still raising money for graduating seniors at Liverpool High School. The organization will be hosting a virtual Game-a-thon fundraiser and is planning to kick off its Mail-a-thon appeal in March.
Liverpool Dollars for Scholars is the volunteer community organization that raises money for scholarships for Liverpool High School graduating seniors. Nearly 180 scholarships worth more than $115,000 were awarded to members of the Class of 2020.
For the Game-a-thon, simply choose a game or two (solo or with friends), and pledge a minimum donation of $30. Participants will be entered into a drawing for Dollars for Scholars T-shirts and other prizes.
Visit liverpool.dollarsforscholars.org for details and a link to enroll. The registration deadline is Sunday, Feb. 28. For more information, contact Liverpool DFS board member Christine Stock at christinestock@verizon.net or 315-450-2533.
Mail-a-thon starts in March
Volunteers are stuffing envelopes with a letter seeking donations for Liverpool Dollars for Scholars from district residents and local businesses. Letters will be mailed in early March.
The Mail-a-thon is Liverpool Dollars for Scholars’ largest annual fundraiser. At a time when the organization is unable to schedule events that involve a large number of students meeting in person, the Mail-a-thon is more critical than ever to generate funds for scholarships. Please help us reach our goal of a scholarship for every eligible college bound senior who applies.
Even if you are not contacted, consider making an online donation to this worthwhile cause at liverpooldfs.org or mailing a check to Liverpool Dollars for Scholars, PO Box 32, Liverpool, NY 13088-0032. Any donation, regardless of size, will be appreciated by the Dollars for Scholars Board of Directors as well as the scholarship recipients and their families.
More ways to help
There are other ways you can help, too. You can establish your own scholarship in honor of a special person or event. Perhaps someone close to you passed away and you would like to sponsor a scholarship in that person’s memory. Smaller donations will be pooled with funds from other sources to award scholarships and sponsor fundraising events.
Maybe you would like to become a member of the Board of Directors and help with projects to raise money for scholarships. Contact John Cerrone, Liverpool Dollars for Scholars president, by email at jcerron1@twcny.rr.com or cell at 315-263-9249 if you have questions.
Without tremendous school and community support, this worthwhile program to honor Liverpool High School graduates would not be possible. Liverpool Dollars for Scholars thanks the community for their help.