Baldwinsville Central School District Superintendent Matt McDonald has resigned due to personal reasons.
The BCSD Board of Education accepted McDonald’s resignation at its Feb. 8 meeting.
“The Board of Education wishes to thank Mr. McDonald for his 14 years of service to the school district as an assistant principal, assistant superintendent for human resources, deputy superintendent, and most recently as superintendent of schools,” read a statement from BOE President Jennifer Patruno on the district’s website.
The BOE also announced that current Acting Superintendent Joseph M. DeBarbieri will continue in that role.
“Mr. DeBarbieri’s appointment will provide continuity, stability, and ensure a smooth transition while the Board of Education determines next steps for permanently filling the district’s top leadership position,” Patruno’s statement read.
McDonald began as an assistant principal at Durgee Junior High School in 2007, became assistant superintendent of human resources in 2009 and was named deputy superintendent in 2014. He served as acting superintendent in 2014 after the retirement of the late Jeanne Dangle.
The board appointed McDonald acting superintendent in April 2016 after the abrupt resignation of then-Superintendent David Hamilton. McDonald’s appointment was made permanent in January 2017.
“Mr. McDonald’s accomplishments during his tenure in the district include a strong commitment to making student centered decisions, the development of district-wide mental health and diversity committees, the establishment of a joint PTA, successful completion of safety training and capital improvement projects, as well as the creation of a 5th-grade celebration for students transitioning to Ray Middle School,” Patruno said.
McDonald had taken two leaves of absence in the last year, first in February 2020 and again in November 2020. In September, the district announced McDonald was considering leaving BCSD. In a statement on the district’s website released Sept. 29, 2020, then-BOE President Christina Pavetto Bond and McDonald announced that McDonald is “exploring other career opportunities.”