CAMILLUS – After more than a year of full and partial closures, Maxwell Memorial Library in the village of Camillus is returning to appointment-free browsing on Monday, May 3. The decision was made based on the decrease in COVID-19 cases in the area and on the increase in number of vaccinated individuals, including library staff.
Visitors to the library must continue to adhere to accepted COVID-19 safety protocols, including proper wearing of facial coverings, social distancing, and hand sanitizing. Library staff will monitor the number of people, including staff, in the building, as visits will be capacity-based for the foreseeable future. When capacity is reached, arriving patrons will be asked to wait until someone leaves before they are welcomed inside.
When the library shut down in March of last year, steps were taken to create a safer environment. The HVAC system was updated, and an Aerus Air Scrubber was added to the system. There are portable air purifiers in both the children’s area and a reservable study room. Hand sanitizing stations are located at the front entrance and throughout the building. Touch-free soap dispensers have been installed in the public restroom. The staff cleans and sanitizes frequently touched surfaces throughout the day, and the custodial staff does a deeper cleaning at night. Currently, returned library materials are quarantined for several days before being checked in and reshelved.
“Our patrons have been wonderfully supportive and adaptive during this entire time,” said Maxwell Director Alyssa Ali. “They were thrilled when curbside pickup and then appointment-based browsing allowed them to get their ‘real’ books and movies again. Many who thought they would never read or listen to a digital book have gotten quite proficient with using our OverDrive and Hoopla apps. Patrons who just a few months ago struggled with cell phones are now taking part in library programs through YouTube and Zoom. And they have been very diligent in following all our COVID-19 protocols, which the staff is very grateful for. Our staff has stayed healthy this entire time, and we know that is in part due to the precautions everyone is taking.”
Curbside pickup, which was started last June, will remain an option for those who either do not want to browse or who like the convenience of getting their library items quickly. Simply call the library at 315-672-3661 during regular hours to arrange a day and time for pickup. Staff will check your items out to you, wrap them for your privacy, label them with your surname, and leave them on the curbside shelf in the vestibule for you to take. One person at a time is allowed in the vestibule, and facial coverings must be properly worn. Please call the library if any assistance or accommodation is needed.
Library programming will remain virtual for a while longer until the Community Room can be reset for small groups and until the weather allows for some outdoor programs. The library’s study rooms may be reserved for one to three people, depending on the room, either in person or by calling the library. The public computers in the adult room are available for walk-in use, but at a reduced number to allow for social distancing. Library hours, which had been slightly shortened during curbside and appointment-based visits, will return to normal.
Maxwell Memorial Library is located at 14 Genesee St. in the village of Camillus. Hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.Closed Sundays. For more information on this and other library news, call 315-672-3661, visit online at, or follow the library @maxmemlib on social media.