Snippets and Tales Winter Series begins
Camillus Canal Society launches 2019 Snippets and Tales Winter Series. All programs are scheduled from 2-4 p.m. in the Camillus Town Hall, 4600 West Genesee, Male Avenue entrance. Admission is free . Refreshments and good conversation always follow each talk. For more information call 315 488 3409.
Sunday, Jan. 20: Some Die. Few Quit
Given by John Hrynyk. The story of Split Rock Quarry is extremely unique and added to the history of the world. One hundred years ago, the population of the world was 1 billion, but due to discoveries at Split Rock Quarry, the world population has increased to billion.
This presentation will be dedicated to the late Rich Miller.
Sunday, Feb. 17 : Boat Lifts of the World
A presentation by David Beebe depicting novel methods of raising and lowering boats using caissons.Topics will include: Rolling caissons and images of Strepy Thieu, a 230 foot vertical lift,in Belgium. In France a wedge of water is used to push boats up an incline plane. We will explore Canadian lifts, including the Big Shute Railroad. The ultimate lift is the revolving Falkirk Wheel in Scotland!
Sunday,March 24: They Lie Forgotten: The Civil War Veterans of Oakwood Cemetery
There are over six hundred Civil War soldiers buried in Oakwood, and some of them have very interesting stories to share, not just in the war,but also in their civilian lives. Sue Greenhagen presents an exciting afternoon of New York State History.