By Hayleigh Gowans
Staff Writer
The 12th annual Fayetteville Festival will return to Beard Park in Fayetteville at noon on Saturday Sept. 16, and will include a full day of family-friendly activities for residents of the area.
The festival was started in 2006 as a way to bring the community and local organizations together, said Deputy Village Clerk Karen Shepardson, who works on putting the event together each year. The day is filled with kid’s activities, raffles, games, food, live music and a fireworks display.
Dozens of community groups will be on hand with displays and information about their organization, and several food trucks from local eateries will provide food for purchase at the event.
The schedule of events includes:
•Noon: a kick-off performance by Downbeat Percussion.
•1 p.m. Blessing of the Animals.
•2 p.m. Jason the Entertainer performs.
•5 p.m. performance by Party Nuts.
•6:30 p.m. performance by the Maria DeSantis Band (Sponsored by Geddes Federal Savings).
The event will end with fireworks at dusk. In addition to the Village of Fayetteville, the festival is also sponsored by Landscape East, Empower Federal Credit Union and Barton & Longudice.
For more information, go to fayettevilleny.govF.