From the supervisor: Everything is in full swing
By Jim Lanning
Town Supervisor
June is here and summer is just beginning.
Our parks department has Austin Park in great shape and we are ready for your events. Please contact us to schedule use of the picnic area or one of the ball fields.
The work has begun on renovations to the Austin Pavilion. We anticipate the work to be brief and not an inconvenience to the many nonprofits that use the facility.
The swim tags are in and residents need to stop in town hall and get their tags for a whole summer of swimming in the park.
Our pursuit of energy efficiency has us contemplating the purchase of LED street lights for the town highways and intersections.
This new technology uses about 70 percent less electricity than the high pressure sodium lights that we currently use through National Grid.
This would have tremendous long term cost saving for the taxpayers. We anticipate a financial payback of less than five years with an instant environmental payback from using less electricity.
Our transfer station is in full swing for the summer.
My composting initiative required some paperwork with the DEC, but we hope to start that soon.
As much as 30 percent of household waste is composed of food scraps.
I encourage residents to compost at home in their back yards. It only takes a small space and will produce some great gardening soil rich in nutrients.
It seems a waste to send it to the transfer station, haul it to the landfill, and pay tipping fees to dispose of it.
Every bit of food that we compost reduces our costs and saves room in the landfill for real trash. Please consider giving it a try in your home. We must develop sustainable lifestyles for the future.
I have been working on “Zombie” properties throughout the town. Vacant homes are a detriment to neighborhoods and the community as a whole.
Many time banks foreclose on properties and fail to maintain them. I have a resource that helps me locate the bank owners.
I have been calling them and threatening them that if they don’t maintain the property we will do so and bill them. So far they have been quick to respond.
If you have a vacant property near you please contact me or our codes enforcement officer. We will try to get results for you quickly.
The redline version of the comprehensive plan is on our website for your review.
We have begun the process of some revisions to our zoning code to coincide with the comprehensive plan revisions. It is my desire to go back to the process of adopting both at the same time.
This way everyone gets to see all of what they are agreeing to. I do not want this process to be political. I was so impressed with the way everyone came together in March to have their voices heard. Let us use that series of open meetings as an example of how we can all work together and compromise.
The summer will go by quickly and will be filled with events.
Please take a moment to slow down and drive and boat safely. Let us not find ourselves discussing yet another tragedy.
Pedestrians and cyclists are everywhere, please give them some extra space. Please have a safe and joyful summer.