The town of Clay is preparing for its second season of Project Green, its 60-plot community garden located off Black Creek Road. Plot reservations are due to the town by March 28.
The project got its start last year under the guidance of Chrissy Clancy from the town’s parks and recreation department and Terry King from the highway department.
“Project Green came from a desire to preserve natural green space and agricultural land in the town of Clay,” Clancy said. “This location has many opportunities: it’s a former working farm, it contains wooded areas, natural wetlands and is situated on the canal adjacent to state property.”
Last year, 48 of the 60 plots were doled out to town residents, who planted crops like beans, peas, tomatoes and more. The town tills the land and marks off the plots. There is no charge to residents to participate, and it’s open to all residents of the town. There is on-site tool storage.
A kick-off meeting will take place at 6 p.m. May 1.
“This is an excellent opportunity for people to get back to the land and put free food on their table,” Clancy said. “And that is perhaps one of the most important reasons for this program.
To reserve a plot, call Clancy at 652-3800 ext. 137.