The southern area of DeWitt has seen residential burglaries during the day over the last few months, said DeWitt Police Sgt. Scott Kapral. Burglaries have been reported in areas around and south of Route 173, including the hamlet of Jamesville.
The burglaries have generally involved windows or doors being smashed or forced open, Kapral said. DeWitt Police ask residents to be on the lookout for signs of potential theft by reporting any of the following suspicious behavior:
—Unusual or uncommon vehicles driving slowly through a residential neighborhood.
—Unknown vehicles parked on the side of the road in a residential neighborhood.
—Unknown persons walking or riding bike through residential neighborhood
—Unknown people walking through yards.
—Unknown vehicles parked in your neighbors’ driveways.
—Unknown vehicles dropping off people in a neighborhood and driving away.
—Unknown vehicles making continued repeated passes slowly through neighborhoods.
The above indicators are often most successful in determining suspicious activity when neighbors work together and are familiar with each other’s basic daily routine, Kapral said. Vehicle descriptions and plate numbers are very valuable pieces of information to pass along.
If you feel that you are witnessing a burglary in progress or notice suspicious activity do not hesitate to call 911. Residents are asked to send any information to [email protected].