There’s no shortage of ways CNY residents can donate to help Haitians recover from last week’s devastating earthquake.
But Marcellus resident Ann Ferro and three local doctors are offering a chance to donate directly to medical efforts in Haiti.
Ferro said the doctors will head to Haiti soon, and are in need of basic medical supplies. She added that donations will go directly to the doctors, who will use them — donations will not be turned over to the Haitian government or sold on the black market.
Two large tubs have already been filled with donations from CNY residents, and are on their way to Haiti. Ferro said she will deliver a second collection to the doctors Friday morning. Donations can be dropped off at her home, 17 First St., Marcellus, or at the Samaritan Center before 5 p.m. Thursday.
The doctors are asking for supplies such as:
– surgical tape
– four-by-four bandages
– gauze
– antiseptic wipes
– antibiotic ointment
– Steri-strips
– Ace bandages