It may be Christy Wangsness’ first year at Marcellus Parent Nursery School, but the new head teacher at MPNS is no stranger to the area or to teaching.
Wangsness, formerly Christy Greene, is a graduate of Skaneateles High School. She went to college in Maryland and taught third and fourth grades there before moving to Marcellus last year with her husband, Brian, and daughters Katy, a third-grader at KCH, and Kara, who started her second year at MPNS this year, to be closer to family.
Though she brings with her more than 10 years of elementary teaching experience, this will be Wangsness’ first time teaching pre-school.
“I think the most exciting part is that I really get to be their first classroom experience,” she said. “I hope to make a positive impact on their beginning school career and make it fun and exciting get them excited about learning.”
She and former , who moved into the director position this year, spent the summer making some adjustments to the school to enhance student’s excitement.
Parents and returning students may notice the MPNS classroom, located in the basement of The Marcellus Grange, has been divided into stations. Reading, building/blocks, arts and crafts, drama/dress-up, computer, kitchen, outdoors play and fitness fun centers will allow students more structure between activities. Welsh said the changes make the MPNS class similar to Marcellus kindergarten classes and would help students to transition to kindergarten after their time at MPNS.
The computer is a new addition to the school, Welsh said, and students will be able to use it for reading programs but not internet access.
Welcoming students into the classroom is a brand-new tree mural by MPNS parent Nancy Rynkiewicz. Featured in the mural is a raccoon students will come to know from the book, “The Kissing Hand,” by Audrey Penn.
MPNS offers classes for four-year-olds from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, for three-year-olds from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday and Thursdays, and for both ages from 12:30 to 3 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons.
There is still space available, but class sizes are limited. Call MPNS at 673-4395 for more information on how to enroll your children in preschool.