Aug. 19
Concert at Johnson Park
Liverpool Is the Place Summer Concert Series will feature Alan Taylor and Friends from 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday Aug. 19 at Johnson Park. Rain date is Thursday Aug. 20. Bring lawn chair or blanket for your comfort. More information at or by calling the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, 457-3895.
North Syracuse summer concert series
From 6 to 8 p.m. Southern Comfort will perform at Lonergan Park for the North Syracuse “2009 Summer Concerts in the Park.” Attendance is free to the general public and food from Applebee’s will be available for purchase. For further information on the concert series call the North Syracuse Parks and Recreation Office at 458-8050. In the event of rain, the concert will be postponed for the following week. The rain postponements will be determined by 3:30 p.m. on the day of the concert.
Cicero Historical Society to meet
The Cicero Historical Society will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday Aug. 19 at the museum and education center, 6453 Route 31, Cicero.
Aug. 20, 21 and 22
Liverpool field days
The Liverpool Annual Field Days are here again. Field days will take place from 6 to 11 p.m. Thursday Aug. 20 and Friday Aug. 21 and noon to 11 p.m. Saturday Aug. 22 at Washington Park in the village of Liverpool. Sponsored by The Liverpool American Legion Post 188. No alcoholic beverages will be allowed or served at the event.
Aug. 22
Bake sale
Liverpool Unit 188 American Legion Auxiliary will hold a bake sale from noon to 5 p.m. Saturday Aug. 22 at the gazebo in Washington Park in conjunction with the American Legion Family Fun Days. The American Legion Auxiliary is the largest women’s veterans service organization serving veterans at the VA Hospital and in the community as well as children & youth. Unit 188 meets the second Monday of each month from September through June. For more information phone 695-2227 or 451-1558.
Cicero resident exhibits art
The Art Association of Oswego presents artists Peter Mahan of Oswego and Yolanda Tooley of Cicero in a collaborative exhibit of traditional photographic gelatin silver prints. The artists will show about 40 black and white or hand colored images from their travels: Scotland, New Orleans, Mexico and more. An artist’s opening reception is scheduled for 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday Aug. 22 on the second floor of the Timothy McHenry Gallery. Refreshments will be served and the public is invited. The show runs from Aug. 22 through Sept. 20.
Aug. 24 to 31
Cut-a-thon to benefit LHS Marching Warriors
Utopia Hair Professionals will hold a cut-a-thon from Aug. 24 to 31 at the salon, located in Glenn Crossing Plaza, 7421 Oswego Road, Liverpool. Get your back-to-school haircut and help support the Liverpool High School Marching Band. Utopia will donate the profits for each back-to-school haircut to the marching band. Coupon may be found on the marching band website:
Aug. 26
North Syracuse summer concert series
From 6 to 8 p.m. Maria DeSantis and Orchestra will perform at Lonergan Park for the North Syracuse “2009 Summer Concerts in the Park.” Attendance is free to the general public and food from Bella Domani’s will be available for purchase. For further information on the concert series call the North Syracuse Parks and Recreation Office at 458-8050. In the event of rain, the concert will be postponed for the following week. The rain postponements will be determined by 3:30 p.m. on the day of the concert.
Aug. 29
Martial arts tournament
The North Area Family YMCA will be hosting the second annual Open Martial Arts Tournament Saturday Aug. 29 at Sacred Heart Church, 8229 Brewerton Road, Cicero. 8 a.m. weigh-ins; 10:30 a.m. divisions begin. This tournament is a fundraiser for the YMCA Partner with Youth program. A portion of the proceeds will help ensure that all children and families have access to valuable programs such as child care, summer camp, and wellness programs, regardless of their ability to pay. The North Area Family YMCA’s karate program welcomes the opportunity to help promote the Partner with Youth program and invites the community to attend; this will be the largest martial arts tournament in the Syracuse area for the year. Tournament fees vary depending upon level; spectator fees: $5 to 15. Contact Cheryl Walker at 451-2562 or or Ryan Lucas at
Aug. 31 to Sept. 4
CanTeen hosts HOSTS
Preteens 10 to 12 are invited to participate in the CanTeen’s Helping Other Students to Succeed (HOSTS) program from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Aug. 31 to Sept. 4. CanTeen participants will talk to the younger kids about issues they face. Friday the group will go to Oneida Shores. Free, but must bring own lunch. For more information call the CanTeen at 699-1391.
Sept. 1
Route 31 Corridor Study public meeting
A public meeting will be held to discuss long term issues and goals for the Route 31 corridor in Clay and Cicero at 7 p.m. Tuesday Sept. 1 at Cicero-North Syracuse High School, 6002 Route 31, Cicero.
Sept. 4 and 5
NS High School Class of ’74 reunion
The North Syracuse High School Class of 1974 reunion will take place starting at 6 p.m. Friday Sept. 4 with a social gathering at Mohegan Manor. Free; RSVP to Also, Saturday Sept. 5, there will be an optional dinner at Club Sushi, or the restaurant in Mohegan Manor followed by a dessert social on the garden deck. For more info; see calendar for details.
Sept. 10
Travel Club to meet
The next meeting of the Syracuse Women’s Travel Club will take place at 7 p.m. Thursday Sept. 10 at the Ramada on Buckley Road. Trips open for discussion will include seven days in Ireland; Australia/New Zealand; a Mediterranean Cruise and America’s National Parks. RSVP requested, call Sally at 857-3234.
Sept. 12
LHS Class of ’64 reunion
The Liverpool High School Class of 1964 will celebrate its 45th reunion with a picnic from noon to 8 p.m. Saturday Sept. 12 at Sawmill Creek Pavilion, Willow Bay, Onondaga Lake Park. Family and friends of the Class of ’64 are welcome. Questions? Call 638-2350.
Sept. 16
Doctor to speak at LPL
Michael Greger, M.D., physician, author and nationally recognized speaker on nutrition, introduces a new interactive quiz show format that lets us test our nutrition knowledge with some surprising outcomes. Greger will speak and give his nutrition pop quiz at 7 p.m. Wednesday Sept. 16 at the Liverpool Public Library, 310 Tulip St., Liverpool. Free and open to the public. Free snacks; free and priced literature and merchandise available.
Sept. 19
Cornhole tournament
The CanTeen will hold its second annual cornhole tournament starting at 11 a.m. Saturday Sept. 19 at Heritage Park in North Syracuse. $30 for a team of two includes two T-shirts (T-shirts guaranteed through Sept. 4) and a lunch. For ages 13 and up. For more information or to register call the CanTeen at 699-1391.
Sept. 26
Humane Association fundraiser
The Humane Associate of CNY is holding a fundraiser called the Annual Pet Food and Supply Drop-A-Thon from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday Sept. 26 at the shelter, 4915 1/2 West Taft Road in Liverpool. The event will include a silent auction. For more information, contact Bethann Kistner at 233-4349.
Oct. 9
North High reunion
Calling all 1959 North High School graduates! We will be celebrating our 50th anniversary at the Lake Shore Yacht and Country Club, Lake Shore Road, Cicero on Friday Oct. 9. Call Connie Creno Smithers (638-1246) or Carolyn Waterman Rothenhoefer (458-4887) for more information as soon as possible.
Art guild welcomes new members
All those who are interested in art are welcome to join the Wednesday group of the North Syracuse Art Guild at the VFW Hall, 105 Maxwell Ave, North Syracuse, to learn, exchange knowledge of art, share fine art with others, and to work your media. The group meets every Wednesday morning from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bring your own supplies. For more information, please call 458-6157.
IDMR lectures
The Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research hosts regular lectures from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. every Wednesday and 7 to 9 p.m. every Saturday at the Salina Civic Center, 2826 LeMoyne Ave., Mattydale. The lectures are free and the public is welcome.
Alzheimer’s Association hosts support group meetings
The Alzheimer’s Association will host a number of support groups in the Liverpool area. The monthly meetings are open to caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s disease. A complete list of support groups may be downloaded at For more information, contact the Alzheimer’s Association, at 800-272-3900. In Liverpool, meetings will be held at Birchwood Health Care Center, second Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m.
Support group for grieving children
A monthly support group for grieving children will meet on the third Tuesday of each month at Hope For Bereaved from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Its purpose is to help children, ages 5 to 18 years old, cope with the death of a parent or primary caregiver. The support group coincides with Hope’s Young Widow/Widower Support Group which meets at the same time. No pre-registration is required. Walk-ins welcome. For further information, contact Hope at 475-9675.
North Syracuse Community Chorus
The North Syracuse Community Chorus has formed and wishes to recruit additional participants. Practices will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. every Tuesday at the North Syracuse Community Center, 700 South Bay Road. A nominal fee will be charged. For further information or to register, contact Josephine Federico at 457-5010 or the North Syracuse Parks and Recreation Department at 458-8050.
Open art sessions
The North Syracuse Art Guild is sponsoring open art sessions from 10 a.m. to noon every Wednesday. Bring materials and join other artists at the VFW Post 7290, 105 Maxwell Ave., North Syracuse (upstairs). Call 458-6157 for more information.