The Town of Elbridg budget for 2011 has been drafted and is available in the town clerk’s office for review. A public hearing is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Nov. 3. Supervisor Ken Bush was glad to report last Thursday that with the proposed budget, town property taxes for Elbridge residents would not increase.
In fact, tax rates for non-village residents would decrease, “primarily because of some decreases in the part-town highway budget,” Bush said.
Additional savings came from unexpended dollars budgeted last year.
“Just because you budget it, doesn’t mean you have to spend it,” Bush said.
Bush noted that there are no pay raises budgeted for members of the town board.
Town moves to request speed change
Tom McGuire, a resident of Peru Road and police officer with the city of Syracuse, expressed concern that vehicles were speeding through his neighborhood. McGuire lives near the intersection of Peru and Schaap Road.
McGuire felt that reducing the speed limit would be the most effective action to take. The board moved to petition the county to lower the speed limit on Schaap Rd. to 25 mph, and from 50 m.p.h. down to 40 m.p.h. on Peru Road 2/10 of a mile west of the intersection of Peru and Schaap. The resolution was passed unanimously.
“It was a request of the residents of the neighborhood and I want to honor their request,” Bush said. “It’s their safety and their well-being, and they perceive that it will be a safer neighborhood if these changes are made.”
Bush noted that the decision would ultimately be in the hands of the DOT, as local governments cannot adjust traffic regulations on non-village roads.
– Judy Vollmar was appointed to the position of planning board secretary.
– The board passed a resolution establishing a town-owned senior transportation vehicle replacement fund with a cap of $50,000. The town recently received a grant for $22,000 from the Onondaga County Department of Aging & Youth, part of which will go into the fund.