Those involved in children’s ministry at the Eastside Vineyard Church in DeWitt have been busy during the month of December, taking time to give back to those less fortunate, and even producing a Christmas movie titled “A Superhero Christmas,” which depicts the birth of Jesus with a modern twist.
Recently, the Eastside Vineyard Church children’s ministry produced a movie entitled “A Superhero Christmas,” shot on location at a local CNY farm complete with barnyard animals, stall and manger scenes. Eastside Vineyard Church showed the film with popcorn, birthday cake and soda on the morning Dec. 20 during their Christmas service.
The comedy depicts the dilemma of numerous superheroes who, after hearing about the birth of a new superhero with the power to defeat death, worry about their job security. “Children are our true social security, they are a priority in our church and it looks like it’s paying off,” Pastor Wes Fleming said. The movie, adapted from Vanessa Unti’s original script, may be seen on the church’s website
And on Dec. 13, a group of children and teens from Eastside Vineyard Church, traveled to various areas of need throughout the city of Syracuse to give away gift bags to people on the street.
The project was inspired and led by the children of the church. Creator of the event, Jonathon Sharak, a seven-year-old, approached adults in the church with a sign-up sheet asking for donations for the gift bags shortly before Thanksgiving.
Five weeks later, two van loads of children and teens delivered the gift bags throughout the city wishing recipients a Merry Christmas. Before the distribution, Fleming provided a short teaching on the causes of homelessness and highlighted organizations in the city that provide shelter.
“What a blast it was to see our young people demonstrate God’s love in real and practical ways. They captured the essence of the Christmas Story when they reached out to those who also find no place at the inn,” Fleming said.
The church meets 10:30 a.m. on Sundays at the Manlius Pebble Hill School, 5300 Jamesville Road, Dewitt.