Cazenovia — Adults are invited to pick up a coloring book and color — while munching on cookies and visiting with friends and neighbors. It’s an accessible and inexpensive creative outlet that lets you relax, switch off and focus on something calming. The event will be held at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 17, in the Cazenovia Public Library community room.
According to Nancy Monson, USA TODAY Best Years magazine, an accumulation of research shows that creative activities can help you de-stress from everyday pressures. Recent studies suggest that structured, rhythmic endeavors such as coloring are particularly beneficial because they ease you into a meditative state of mind that allows you to push away negative thoughts and worries.
The designs appeal to every interest — from whimsical doodles to circular mandalas, nature scenes and fantasy worlds — and you can color outside the lines or leave a picture unfinished. There’s no judgment — just you treating yourself to a new healthy habit where 10 to 20 minutes spent coloring can give you a sense of satisfaction that has a positive ripple effect throughout your day.
Cookies and conversation as well as all supplies are provided.
All events at the Cazenovia Public Library are free and open to the public.
For more information on “Coloring, Cookies, and Conversation” or other events at the Library, call 655-9322 or visit