Baldwinsville — Program Log Baldwinsville PAC-B (Channel 98, FiOS 30)
Baldwinsville PAC-B, the public access cable channel 98 for Time Warner and channel 30 for Verizon FIOS, is available 24 hours a day to provide video and information of local interest. For the convenience of the public, the schedule of the next ten programs is aired on PAC-B TV at 9 a.m., noon, 3, 6 and 9 p.m. daily. The Baldwinsville Bulletin Board will air from midnight to 9 a.m. daily. For anyone that missed a program on TV, many of the programs are available on the internet. To access the previous videos online, a link is available at
Saturday, Nov. 28
9:00 AM Classic Baker Wrestling vs. C. N. S. (1/15/14)
10:30 AM Classic Baker Girls Basketball vs. W.Genny (12/11/10)
12:00 PM Baldwinsville Village Board Mtg (11/19/2015)
12:40 PM Board of Education (11/23/15)
3:00 PM Friends of BPL: “Book Buzz” w Brian Nielson (2014)
4:00 PM Friends of BPL: “Censorship” Bruce Coville (2007)
5:00 PM Community Wesleyan Church
6:00 PM Classic Baker Wrestling vs. C. N. S. (1/15/14)
7:30 PM Classic Baker Girls Basketball vs. W.Genny (12/11/10)
9:00 PM Baldwinsville Village Board Mtg (11/19/2015)
9:40 PM Board of Education (11/23/15)
Sunday, Nov. 29
9:00 AM Baldwinsville Village Board Mtg (11/19/2015)
9:40 AM Board of Education (11/23/15)
12:00 PM Friends of BPL: “Book Buzz” w Brian Nielson (2014)
1:00 PM Friends of BPL: “Censorship” Bruce Coville (2007)
2:00 PM Friends of BPL: “Murder on Canton St.” (2001)
3:00 PM First Presbyterian Church
4:00 PM Words to Live By – Trinity Assembly of God
5:00 PM Community Wesleyan Church
6:00 PM Baldwinsville Village Board Mtg (11/19/2015)
6:40 PM Board of Education (11/23/15)
9:00 PM Classic Baker Wrestling vs. C. N. S. (1/15/14)
10:30 PM Classic Baker Girls Basketball vs. W.Genny (12/11/10)
Monday, Nov. 30
continued — 9:00 AM Friends of BPL: “Book Buzz” w Brian Nielson (2014)
10:00 AM Friends of BPL: “Censorship” Bruce Coville (2007)
11:00 AM Friends of BPL: “Murder on Canton St.” (2001)
12:00 PM Classic Baker Wrestling vs. C. N. S. (1/15/14)
1:30 PM Classic Baker Girls Basketball vs. W.Genny (12/11/10)
3:00 PM Baldwinsville Village Board Mtg (11/19/2015)
3:40 PM Board of Education (11/23/15)
6:00 PM Classic Baker Wrestling vs. C. N. S. (1/15/14)
7:30 PM Classic Baker Girls Basketball vs. W.Genny (12/11/10)
9:00 PM Friends of BPL: “Book Buzz” w Brian Nielson (2014)
10:00 PM Friends of BPL: “Censorship” Bruce Coville (2007)
11:00 PM Friends of BPL: “Murder on Canton St.” (2001)
Tuesday, Dec. 1
9:00 AM Classic Baker Wrestling vs. Liverpool (1/17/15)
10:30AM Classic Boys Basketball vs. Auburn (1/23/15)
12:00 PM Baker Winter Concert (2014)
1:15 PM Christmas Cantata w St. Augustine & St. Mary’s Churches (2010)
3:00 PM Beauchamp Historical Society: AFH: Battle of Oriskany Ancestors (2015)
3:55 PM Beauchamp Historical Society: Historical Signs – Howard Ford (2004)
5:15 PM Remembering B’Ville: Don Colon (2012)
6:00 PM Ray 7th Grade Winter Concert (2012)
6:55 PM Reynolds 2nd & Intermediate Winter Concert (12/15/2014)
8:15 PM Syracuse Home: DeWitt Choraliers (2004)
9:00 PM NoXcuse & Quintessence “A Cappella Noel”
10:30 PM B’Ville Musical Community – “Journey to Bethlehem” (2008)
Wednesday, Dec. 2
9:00 AM Ray 7th Grade Winter Concert (2012)
9:55 AM Reynolds 2nd & Intermediate Winter Concert (12/15/2014)
10:15 AM Syracuse Home: DeWitt Choraliers (2004)
12:00 PM NoXcuse & Quintessence “A Cappella Noel”
1:30 PM B’Ville Musical Community – “Journey to Bethlehem” (2008)
3:00 PM Classic Baker Wrestling vs. Liverpool (1/17/15)
4:30 PM Classic Boys Basketball vs. Auburn (1/23/15)
6:00 PM Baker Winter Concert (2014)
7:15 PM Christmas Cantata w St. Augustine & St. Mary’s Churches (2010)
9:00 PM Beauchamp Historical Society: AFH: Battle of Oriskany Ancestors (2015)
continued — 9:55 PM Beauchamp Historical Society: Historical Signs – Howard Ford (2004)
11:15 PM Remembering B’Ville: Don Colon (2012)
Thursday, Dec. 3
9:00 AM Beauchamp Historical Society: AFH: Battle of Oriskany Ancestors (2015)
9:55 AM Beauchamp Historical Society: Historical Signs – Howard Ford (2004)
11:15 AM Remembering B’Ville: Don Colon (2012)
12:00 PM Ray 7th Grade Winter Concert (2012)
12:55 PM Reynolds 2nd & Intermediate Winter Concert (12/15/2014)
2:15 PM Syracuse Home: DeWitt Choraliers (2004)
3:00 PM NoXcuse & Quintessence “A Cappella Noel”
4:30 PM B’Ville Musical Community – “Journey to Bethlehem” (2008)
6:00 PM Classic Baker Wrestling vs. Liverpool (1/17/15)
7:30 PM Classic Boys Basketball vs. Auburn (1/23/15)
9:00 PM Baker Winter Concert (2014)
10:15 PM Christmas Cantata w St. Augustine & St. Mary’s Churches (2010)
Friday, Dec. 4
9:00 AM Baker Winter Concert (2014)
10:15 AM Christmas Cantata w St. Augustine & St. Mary’s Churches (2010)
12:00 PM Beauchamp Historical Society: AFH: Battle of Oriskany Ancestors (2015)
12:55 PM Beauchamp Historical Society: Historical Signs – Howard Ford (2004)
1:15 PM Remembering B’Ville: Don Colon (2012)
3:00 PM Ray 7th Grade Winter Concert (2012)
3:55 PM Reynolds 2nd & Intermediate Winter Concert (12/15/2014)
5:15 PM Syracuse Home: DeWitt Choraliers (2004)
6:00 PM NoXcuse & Quintessence “A Cappella Noel”
7:30 PM B’Ville Musical Community – “Journey to Bethlehem” (2008)
9:00 PM Classic Baker Wrestling vs. Liverpool (1/17/15)
10:30PM Classic Boys Basketball vs. Auburn (1/23/15)