Hematology-Oncology Associates of CNY (HOA) is proud to announce our fourth annual Celebration of Life for National Cancer Survivors Day will take place Sunday, June 2 at Longbranch Park in Liverpool from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and at the Throop Fire House on Beech Tree Road in Throop from noon to 3 p.m.
“This event honors the members of our community who are living with and beyond cancer – the survivors and their loved ones,” explains Maryann Roefaro, CEO of Hemotology-Oncology Associates. “Our theme is Hope Grows Here, and for the second year we will have a Celebration of Life Remembrance Garden. People wishing to order a plant for the garden should visit our website at hoacny.com. ”
At each location guests will be treated to lunch, inspirational speakers, musical entertainment, fun activities/games, door prizes and exhibits.
The event is free for survivors with their family and guests. However, reservations are requested by emailing [email protected] or calling 315-472-7504 ext 1362. Emails need to include RSVP in the subject line, note the number attending at which location, as well as the name and the t-shirt size of the cancer survivor.