To the editor:
Cazenovia’s iconic fourth of July celebration will be here before we know it. With that in mind, we would like to take this opportunity to thank last year’s fireworks donors. The 2017 show was spectacular thanks to their support. We also want to thank all the anonymous contributors for their donations.
Preparations are under way for the 2018 celebration and we hope we can count on the continued generosity of our community.
Allure Fitness, Charles Amos, Jim and Nancy Asher, Atwell Mill, LLC, Cazenovia Club, Cazenovia College, CompAdvantage Consulting Services, LLC, Mary and Robert Connor, Johnson Brothers Lumber, James E. Mackin, Marquardt Switches, Inc., The Brewster Inn, The Brownback Family, Richard Wells and Valerie Crabtree, Willow Bank Yacht Club.
Stars and Stripes
Dick and Marilyn Alberding, Paul and Deborah Amidon, Ayer and Zimmer Funeral Home, Michael Barth and Tina Putnam, Kathy Bice, Leslie and John Bowser, Eric P. Burrell, Cazenovia Village Baptist Church, Karen Cheal and Ken Seagall, Bobbi Cleaveland and Bruce Kaiser, Common Grounds, Community Bank, N.A., Robert and Barbara Constable, Curtain Law Firm, David Ridings, Mark and Linda Demo, Dali Denison, Jonathan (JD) Dolly, L.W. Eagan and Family, Ecologic, LLC, Hugh and Karen Emory, Maureen and Jonathan Fellows, Chris and Kate Fischer, Gavilondo Family, Mark D. Goris, Baird and Susan Hansen, Guy and Patricia Howard, Peter and Hannah Hubbard, Fritz and Elizabeth Koennecke, Hume and Peggy Laidman, Lounsbury Family, Ann Marshall, John and Bonnie McCabe, Wallace McDonald, Anne and Bill McDowell, Charles and Elsbeth Morgan, Carol Fisk Nagel, Bernard Peterson and Caroline Cargo, Matt and Jessica Reilly, Robert and Cherry Ridler, Elliot Rodriguez and Lauren Pipas, Susan Ross, Lisi and Bill Schaefer, Jeanne Smith and Scott Ferguson, Helen Stacy, Jim Steinberg and Shere Abbot, Jenny Stromer-Galley, The Lincklaen House, Michael and Colleen Vella, Barbara Wheler, Barbara and Steffen Wolff, Cindy and Doug Zahm, Maureen Zupan.
Red, White and Blue
20 East, Bruce and Jean Ball, Ann and Ed Baroody, Helen Barrett, Tony and Nelda Bell, Nitzi Bonney, Paul and Joan Brooks, Eric and Jonna Brown, Paul Brown, Budnar Family, Diane and Rick Clark, Dixie and George Conway, Debi Cramer, Denny and Gail Dougherty, Pam and Robert Ellis, Griffin Family, Jerry and Beth Groff, Robert Haege, Divot Harris, Madeleine Hartt, David and Carolyn Holmes, Nancy and Jerry Hook, Elaine and Bob Horstmeyer, Kelli and Andy Johnson, Mary Judd, Sandra and Eugene Kaplan, John and Gloria Knasick, John and Lisa Knutsen, Doug and Mary Jo LaFever, Bill Magee, Richard and Susan Manier Jr., Barbero Marion, Gary and Dena Mason, Billie and Jerry Maywright, Tom and Penny McPhilmy, Doug O’Connell and Boucher, Ron and Cookie Philips, Howard and Ann Port, Elaine Rubenstein, Roger and Anne Saltman, Sam and Julia Shotzberger, Linda and Terry Smith, Susan and John Smith, Beth and Will Sullivan, Larry and Sally Tully, Doris Webster, Nancy and Paul Weiskotten, Robert and Sherry Wester, Glenda and Larry Wetzel, Brad and Julie Wheler, Mr. and Mrs. John Whittle, Sam and Gail Woods.
Ruth Hancock, Tom and Suzanne Hennessey, Marjorie Wason Tormey, Thomas J. Clarke, Anne Doherty, Gerald and Susan Rasmussen, David Vrendenburgh and Betsy Kennedy, Eric and Kristen Byers, John Conroy, Matthew and Juanita Critz, Kevin and Kristin Curtis, Lawrence Daley, Jim and Patty Dungey, Ted and Penny Emerick, Emma’s Café, Janet Enders, Christina Frega, Cynthia Gilliland, Bob and Sally Gregg, Mary Jane Huffman, Luke and Lauren Lines, Karen and Rick Loundsbury, Elizabeth Maliga, Barbara and Patrick McCall, Charles and Elsbeth Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. H Morse, Eric Olson, and Susan Light, George and Ethel Puzey, Jill and Ray Ryan, Judith and Charles Sandorf, Scott and Nancy Sellers, Calixto and Joyce Suarez, Cindy Sutton, The Wells Family, Mary Thompson, Diane Webb, Kurt and Becky Wheeler, Stephen E. Whiton, Susan Becker, J.D. Cornue, Lisa Cotanch, Christine Dascher, Bea Eberst, Sam Fellows, Heather and Kevin Hardke, Allan Kantor, Kristi Anderson, William and Anna Marie Neuland, Randy Miller and Family, Mike and Linda Salter, Gregory Wilt PA, Richard Anderson, June Haley, Doris Harrison, Joan and Al Keilen, Lucas and Henry Reynolds, Donna and Ron Schammell.
Fireworks Committee
Cazenovia Lions Club