To the editor:
Mark Matt and his wife Cheryl joined the newly formed Central New York Chapter of the Izaak Walton League, a national conservation organization, as charter members in 1989. Mark and his family have volunteered with any number of chapter projects over the past two and a half decades, including various fundraisers, youth fishing programs and assisting with events such as the Women in Nature programs.
Mark has served as treasurer and a vocal member of our CNY Chapter’s board of directors for many years, and is quite astute with fiscal affairs as a retired businessman. Both Mark and Cheryl have been actively involved in community affairs in and around the communities of Manlius and DeWitt through their long time membership in the Rotary Club of DeWitt.
Through the DeWitt Rotary Club, they have volunteered untold hours in various community projects, and many organizations have requested Mark’s assistance due to his considerable knowledge and expertise with obtaining grants to help support those projects. Having experienced Mark’s valuable assistance with a significant number of environmental and community projects, I can vouch that he is willing and able to consider different sides of almost any issue, and has the additional talent of being a good listener.
Over the course of a 32-year career in county government as an environmental planner, I have had personal experience in working with county legislators from both Republican and Democratic sides of the aisle. I am quite positive that Mark Matt has the knowledge and integrity to be an outstanding legislator for the 10th District in the County of Onondaga.
Les Monostory