To the editor:
Dear friends and community members,
A school board is a non-partisan entity. We all need to be guided by ethics. We should minimally expect those we put into positions leading our children to conduct themselves ethically.
Our recent BOE elections have become very political. Some sitting Board members have handpicked candidates and are full on campaigning for them through the teacher’s union, local political parties and officials, and with their own public endorsements of those candidates. Sadly, those community members that have strong ties and demonstrated commitments to the district who have stepped up to public service for no other reason than to serve our district to the best of their ability, have almost no chance against this biased process. We are seeing it again this year. I reference the recent endorsement in the Eagle Bulletin Online, 5/10/17 by the same three current BOE members as last year.
These actions by sitting board members are what drive divisiveness and conflict within the board of education. We should expect better from our elected educational leaders.
EVERY SINGLE VOTE COUNTS. Last year the separation of candidates was just three votes. Don’t forget. Make time. Stop the handpicking politics.
Vote Tuesday, May 16 at Fayetteville Elementary. Voting is from 7 a.m. until 9 p.m.
Kim Swanson
F-M resident