To the editor:
I am writing this letter, with great pleasure, on behalf of Rebecca Cohen, who has decided to run for election to the F-M Board of Education.
I am a good family friend and have known Rebecca since the day she was born. I was delighted when she moved back to our area from Boston. I have followed her throughout her educational and professional career and still see her on a regular basis. She is extremely intelligent and was an excellent student in the F-M school district, at Brown University and at the Cardozo School of Law. She is an extremely confident and caring mother of three children, who will be attending school in the F-M district. Rebecca continues to work professionally and she also volunteers in our community.
Rebecca’s mother, Linda Cohen, was a long-standing member of the Board of Education, so Rebecca certainly knows what the job entails. I have no question that Rebecca will be an excellent member of the F-M Board of Education and a credit to the F-M community. I also feel that she has the time and dedication to do an excellent job. Having matriculated through the F-M school system, she has personal knowledge of what needs to be done to make this even a better educational program.
Jeffrey J. Kirshner, M.D.
East Syracuse