LIVERPOOL — The Liverpool Dollars for Scholars online application process for students in the Class of 2022 opened Jan. 15. If you know Liverpool High School seniors who plans to further their education, please encourage them to apply for more than 180 scholarships that range in value from $500 to $2,000.
All LHS seniors received a list of scholarships and instructions for completing the online application process. Many of our scholarships have no eligibility criteria, while others seek applicants who attended specific elementary/middle schools; plan certain majors/career fields including the trades; or have participated in the arts, school/community service, or athletics.
Scholarship winners attend two- and four-year colleges and universities, technical institutes, trade schools, hospital nursing and other health related programs, adult BOCES programs, and apprenticeships. Regardless of where a student ranks in the class, every student bound for higher education is urged to apply. Some colleges will match the scholarship.
The odds are good for those who apply. During the last few years, most applicants were awarded scholarships or selected as alternates. Many alternates eventually received a scholarship. While it takes time to complete the online application process, it’s worth the effort: The money can be applied toward tuition, fees, room, board, books, and educational supplies.
Despite COVID challenges, Liverpool Dollars for Scholars awarded 169 scholarships worth a total of $120,600 to LHS students in the Class of 2021.
The online application submission deadline is 11:59 p.m. March 8, 2022. Students can go to to complete a profile and apply for scholarships.
For more information, contact John Cerrone, Liverpool Dollars for Scholars President, by email at or cell at 315-263-9249.