In 2017, 107 Jamesville-DeWitt High Sschool students earned a total of 110 Advanced Placement (AP) scholar-level distinctions. The students named and achievements are as follows:
AP Scholar
Forty-nine students, granted to students who receive grades of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams.
Megan Alkins, Eric Antosh, Luciano Bebla, Lucas Binder, Sadye Bobbette, John Bridge, Isabela Budelmann, Bennett Chirco, Julia Dettor, Joseph DiDomenico, David Fikhman, Alan Gao, William Havens, Cynthia Henchen, Lia Ivanick, Marcus Johnson, Julia Kelner, Carolyn Kolceski, Logan LaTray, William Leiker, Kangbo Li, Matthew Lynne, Fidel Martinez, Aoife McCaul, Liam McFadden, Aryana Nazem, William O’Malley, Markos Petkopoulos, Marissia Potamianos, Sarah Pritts, Akbar Qahar, Navamintr Ratanaphan, Celia Reistrom, Julia Schayes, Michale Schueler, Matthew Schultz, Alyson Shapiro, Luke Smith, Rebecca Teitelbaum, Lachezar Todorov, Elliot Turner, Hannah Turtle, David Tyler, Jenna Vespi, Brian Villarreal-Canavan, Albert Wang, Peter Wengert, Lindsey Young and Abigail Zumbuhl.
AP Scholar with Honor
Twenty-three students, granted to students who receive an average grade of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken, and grades of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams.
J-DHS Scholars with Honor: Thomas Armenta, Allison Bergman, Hannah Butler, Catherine Cargian, Ramisha Hassan, Connor Kinahan, Nicholas Kuci, Katherine Lutz, Nicholson Modesti, Amra Mujcic, Alexis Phillips, Maya Pollock, Kelvin Porter, William Rodriguez, Kate Salvo, Spencer Schultz, Sara Signorelli, Gabrielle Tanksley, Daniel Thompson, Julia Vazquez, Jeremy Wells, Jesse White and Alice Woods.
AP Scholar with Distinction
Thirty-five students, granted to students who receive an average grade of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken, and grades of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams.
J-DHS Scholars with Distinction: Somil Aggarwal, Giovanni Antonucci, Andrew Barclay, Kristina Bell, Daniel Blumenthal, Christopher Blust, David Chen, Robert Dotterer, Patrick Dye, Thomas Edson, Owen Farchione, Jeffrey Gabriel, Tyler Gabriel, Melissa Gao, Elena Haarer, Jacob Harron, Sarah Hildreth, Noah Kotzin, Michaela LeBlond, Benjamin MacCrindle, Peter Miedaner, Haley Morgan, Michelle Pan, Sonali Patel, Jamie Rieger, Claire Rigney, Zachary Ripich, Alisa Salbert, Lydia Schooler, Alexandra Scibilia, Ye Shen, Willa Shiomos, John Underhill, Benjamin Wormuth and Rose Zhou.
National AP Scholar
Three students, granted to students in the United States who receive an average score of at least 4 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 4 or higher on eight or more of these exams.
J-DHS National AP Scholars: Somil Aggarwal, Jacob Harron and Peter Miedaner.
AP International Diploma
One student, granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on five or more AP exams in three or more subject areas.
JDHS AP International Diploma: Giovanni Antonucci.