Federal, state and local governments present proclamations signifying milestone
By Hayleigh Gowans
Staff Writer
For the past 50 years, thousands of young students at Creative Environment Day School have ended their year with a graduation ceremony. And on June 22, the 50th anniversary of the school was celebrated with another graduation ceremony and student performances at the Cavalry Club.
“I’d do it all over again if I had the chance. It’s been such a great experience,” said Sheila Brittain, owner and founder of CEDS. “There’s been some bumpy roads, but it’s something that I wouldn’t trade for the world.”

About 100 students and their families gathered on June 22 to see musical performances from students and also to hear of the proclamations acknowledging that CEDS has provided early childhood education for the past 50 years — including proclamations from New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo, U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, New York State Senator John DeFrancisco and Fayetteville Mayor Mark Olson.
“Creative Environment Day School has provided quality education for our village residents for decades,” said Olson. “We’re very lucky to have them.”
CEDS, founded in 1966, was first housed at Good Shepard Lutheran Church on Highbridge Road in Fayetteville, but after a few years moved into its current location on an estate at 531 E. Genesee St. in Fayetteville. When she first bought the property, Brittain worked with a contractor to turn the five-bedroom, three bathroom house into a New York state-accredited school for early childhood education.
Presently, CEDS provides a toddler program for children 18 months and older, a nursery class for three-year-olds, a Pre-K class for four year olds, an advanced Pre-K for children who will be 5 by March 1 and Kindergarten for children who will be five by December.
In addition to the day school programs, Creative Environment offers before and after-school care and a summer camp program.
To learn more about Creative Environment Day School, go to creativeenvironmentdayschool.com.